How to incorporate 10k steps daily

@vincentodiaz Go to Ultra, track oval. There’s a fee for this less than PhP 100.00 sa ticketing booth. Breathable air and madaming sports enthusiasts para ganahan ka. Dunno why people count the steps though, I’m old school lol. Good luck and be safe if you still prefer walking on sidewalks. Try walking at night sa Ortigas or pwede din morning at St. Paul to Ultra loop.
@vincentodiaz walk in place. works for me as i don’t want to get tan this early (saving up for a trip i’ll go to). i just watch a show while doing it to get my mind off how boring what i’m doing hehehe if you’re working on-site, use the stairs instead of elevator and walk during your free time. walk to do errands has always been my fave. going to the grocery, bank, or even just ordering takeout and picking it up myself instead of availing a food delivery service. going to the mall and accompanying my mother for hours to shop.

also, u can start with 5k then work towards 10k by increasing your steps to 1-2k per week to make it easier for you.
@vincentodiaz I actually alot an hour for walking almost everyday. Use your time that's supposed to be for the gym to walk since you can't go to the gym naman. I go to nearby parks and walk there until I hit 10K steps then go back home where I'll usually end up with 12-15K steps.
@vincentodiaz if you are near Greenfield/Unilab area, give it a try. Siguro gising ka lang ng maaga para medyo 'fresh' pa yung hangin.

Threadmill/walking pad is okay if maulan sa labas otherwise for me it's very monotonous and baka dumating yung time na tatamarin ka na.
@vincentodiaz I used to walk around Greenfield/Unilab/Estancia sa may Pasig. It was great!

Dont know how flexible your schedule is, etc. Ok din walk pads pero for me, for my physical and mental health walking outside helped a lot. Inassess ko nalang ano mas nakakabenefit sakin, walking in a polluted area, or sitting at home all day? Based on how my body felt ok talaga mix ng home workout + walking outside so I sticked to it.

Pag nakakalakad ka na araw araw, itll give u more energy din. Eventually sa sobrang gusto ko maglakad I wake up at 5am na for walking. Super happy with the habit [sup][sup],[/sup][/sup]
@vincentodiaz Op if ypu live in bgy rosario or nearby, you can take. Awalk sa C. Raymundo, dr sixto or arcovia.

If sched is linda busy, try to break it into two, one walk in the morning then another in the evening.
@vincentodiaz Personally, My daily walk from house to office and back is already 6k, so 4k steps is just a walk around the store. If I really want to exceed 10K and sometimes achieve 20k steps, I will go out and play basketball.

But the alternative that I can suggest to you is maybe to try and walk around the shopping malls in the weekend. For weekdays, maybe try to walk instead of using bike/car to nearby areas (I also wear mask daily because of the pollution, no issues in breathing so far)
@vincentodiaz You can walk with baby sa morning para sa daily vitamin d dose niya. It doesnt have to be 10k steps in one go pwede mo siya hati hati through out the day
@vincentodiaz Wouldn't strictly go along the 10K "steps" requirement... But for overall health, you can incorporate getting around on a bike instead of walking (to groceries, etc). In terms of pollution, pwede mo mamanage by using a reliable (and reusable) mask like the 3M brand. Di ko lang maalala yung tawag e basta yung mas matibay kesa sa face mask na one-time use.