How to keep motivated to workout daily when stuck in the 9-5 corporate cycle?


New member
Probably an over asked question, but what tips do you have to making exercise a consistent priority when working a 9-5 schedule. There is so little time to get everything in plus have any resemblance of a relaxed evening
@abnerpublishing Do a time budget.

Look at where you are spending your time, and see where you can improve.

Priotize tasks, and do similar chores the same day. Like we have a glass shower. I clean the shower on Saturdays, since I already have the windex and rag out, I clean all the mirrors and windows in the house, too. All my laundry is done on Fridays, as it is my "total relax" day. I do all the folding while sitting in front of the TV. Easy task, can do while just chilling.

Meal prep. I cook Sunday afternoons or evenings for almost the whole week.

I work 8-4, and its me, a dog, and my 2 year old daughter. Still get in an hour to an 1.5 hours of workout à day. (Disclaimer, home gym)
@julien How do you do laundry only on Fridays? I do a load a day and still can't keep up lol. And I'm very frugal with reusing shirts if not stinky etc. (Two adults one kid).
@siju I told a little bit of a lie.

I do my bedding on Sundays.

But as for all clothes? Done only on Fridays.

In one day we will go through:

Me- work pants (which get used for the whole week, unless real dirty), work t-shirt, undies, socks, and gym shorts (usually get 2 or 3 wears out of them [again home gym, dont care if they are a little stinky]). I usually just wear my work socks and tshirt to workout in. So, 5 pieces of clothing to wash per day.

Daughter: pants/shorts, tshirt, socks, PJs. So 4/5 pieces of clothing per day depending if it's 1 or 2 piece PJs. She might get a tshirt or pants change if day care is exceptionally messy that day.

Towels and cleaning rags get washed separately. 2 towels per week, 1 dish cloth, 1 tea towel, and a handful of cleaning rags.

I'll wash my clothes first, then my daughters. Dry both at the same time in the dryer. Then toss in the towels, which get dried on their own.

In total, 4 loads a week. I don't run the washer unless at least half full.

I don't understand how people do laundry daily, unless they are just putting 2 articles of clothing in at a time.
@julien More kids, more activities, more laundry. Especially if you have picky ones that suddenly boycott parts of their wardrobe and you don’t feel like buying more duplicates of the shit they like since they’re going to outgrow it soon anyway. Throw in activities like dance, martial arts, soccer, etc., and there you have it.

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