What can I do when I’m young to keep healthy when I’m older?

@burialchoice I'm only 40, so I'm not sure how it'll work when I'm old.

I cannot agree more about the sunscreen - it's the best anti aging cream available. Plus, I had skin cancer removal this year, so again - sunscreen!!!

I play with my kids to keep moving in interesting ways. They're young enough that they play. We climbed a steep hill today, and we jumped on and off rocks. We also do balance beam curbs.

Smaller muscles can cause big problems as we age, so keep moving in interesting ways - hike on uneven ground, dance like no one is watching, log roll down a hill. Learn to give fewer fucks.

Also stretch.
@burialchoice Eat low glycemic foods and lots of fiber to maintain insulin sensitivity. (Fiber also helps cardiovascular health)

It's also super important to find a chipping coping mechanism that works for you.
@burialchoice The longer you stay active and the more active you are on a Daily basis improves your quality of life as you age. Also as a woman preventing osteoporosis is an important priority to prevent future injuries/fractures that can lead to immobility and increase likelihood of death.
@burialchoice 1) Don't worry about sh*t and 2) value your friendships and relationships.

I've spent a weird amount of the past year taking care of elderly people, some of whom have died during that time. The people who were healthier and lived longer did the above 2 things, even into old age. Those who were socially isolated and/or had bad mental health fell apart very fast physically.

I know this probably isn't what you were looking for on a fitness sub, but it's what I've seen. Nutrition and physical activity made surprisingly little difference. (Some of the oldest people I took care of, well into their 90s, ate crap their whole lives and barely ever exercised.)

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