How to train for a small and aesthetic waist?


New member
Hey there,

so I'm wondering if there's a way in which abs can be trained for the waist to stay small and defined, and therefore providing a stronger V-taper illusion. I am currently training them twice a week, staring with heavy cable crunches followed by leg raise variations, basically just training upper and lower abs. Ignoring obliques. My hips and shoulders are quite wide, so the goal is an X shaped physique
@thepaulmaster Stay lean and grow your shoulders, back, and quads. Worrying about ab training to maintain a small waist is silly. Your abs aren’t going to get that big no matter what.
@dawn16 This. The "don't train abs / obliques " will ruin your short waist is basically bro science bum. Don't pay it any thought and hammer away at your abs.
@thepaulmaster Google Vacuum poses. Over simplified explanation is you can train your abs to act as a corset and as it gets stronger it gets tighter and pulls everything in (very popular in competitive body building).

The one exercise I do every morning is a cat cow but when I do the cat portion I pull my navel into my lower stomach has far as possible and flex, hold (while holding breathe) for 8-10 seconds and I’ll do a few of those.

There are probably more but for what you want add this in and get the body fat down. If you want the allusion for a small aesthetic waist then like others mentioned, build your T (wide shoulders, thicker upper back/ chest)