How would you strategize this WOD?


New member
5 Burpees to start and at the top of every minute

Then complete as many thrusters as possible until the minute is up and it’s a 100 thrusters.

Theres no time cap.


Edit to update all of you awesome humans:

Thrusters are one my favorite CrossFit movements.
I kept the reps under 12 for the first round (I didn’t want to get carried away and pay the price after) as suggested. I had a target number after that went 8 and 7s all the way. Finished @ 13:56 with #65

I’m 4’11 I guess thrusters and my small limbs get along! Thanks for the all the awesome advice y’all! ❤️
@priest4him If someone held a gun to my head and forced me to do Kalsu again, I would aim for 15 rounds of 4, 10 rounds of 3 and max out as much as possible in the remaining minutes. Try to stick to a number of reps per round that is manageable so that you can keep track of your numbers and not kill yourself in the second half. I would also suggest doing Kalsu at your Fran weight the first time you do it so you get a taste for whether RX is even possible for you.

Any way you slice it Kalsu falls into that category of wod that is, frankly, an unfun soulless grind. Try to go as far as you can but don’t feel in the slightest bit ashamed to drop the weight mid workout.
@priest4him Avoid the temptation to "knock out a big set" when you're fresh. You will pay for it. Also, as others have said, get that first burpee going AS SOON as the clock strikes.

There is no rest here. Plan your set of thrusters (5?) to give yourself 5 seconds between dropping the bar and next burpee. Stay in it mentally.
@priest4him I find that in WOD’s where there is a movement at the top of the minute it is so important to start the that movement (burpees) in that first second. Starting late will make you rush to catch up to previous pace, ultimately compounding over rounds and ruining any chance of consistent pacing throughout the workout.
@priest4him I scale. Thrusters must be a weight you can do multiples of even while exhausted. Burpees don’t have to be lightning fast, but you have to keep moving through them and can’t take breaks.