Humble brag. Just wanted to tell someone that I quit drinking, quit smoking l, and quit marijuana for 30 days now


New member
Just like the post says. I don't really have anybody to tell and I don't really have anybody in my life that would care that much. But I'm super proud of myself and I just wanted to post up. I feel like a whole fog has been lifted out of my brain. I feel like I'm thinking quicker and have more controlled thoughts. I'm not really getting any cravings for cigarettes or marijuana but the alcohol is very difficult.

Edit: thank you so much for the support I definitely needed to hear it. You guys are amazing.
@calvinabume I’m proud of you internet stranger ! Keep an eye on your friends and family, they may miss their drinking and smoking buddy. Also sometimes they may just be haters and your accomplishments magnifies the shame of their vices. I’m 353 days no booze and no weed and I find that’s been the biggest lesson for me, modify your relationships as needed.
@calvinabume Great work, keep it up, friend. It’s not easy to kick any habit, let alone 3. I know I’m just an internet stranger, but I’m proud of you, and I bet your parents are/would be, too.
@calvinabume Brag on my friend! You should be very proud of yourself.

I quit using weed 36 days ago with to intention of going back. I've been using the I Am Sober app to keep me motivated. There is something really satisfying about seeing that number go up and up. It also keeps track of how much money you are saving which is a HUGE motivator.
@calvinabume Well done!!! That’s no easy task and you should be proud of yourself. I’m about to hit 4 years of no drinking and the first 30 days was definitely the hardest part.
Keep up the great work! Your body will thank you for it!