Humble brag. Just wanted to tell someone that I quit drinking, quit smoking l, and quit marijuana for 30 days now

@calvinabume It’s not just that you feel like you are thinking quicker. I think you actually are thinking quicker. Like you’re firing more synapses and making connections more smoothly without the chemical drag on your systems. Nice!

You could look into naltrexone re) alcohol. People use it to change their relationship to alcohol, including those who don’t categorize themselves as alcoholics (if you go to the subreddit named “alcoholism_medication” you can read more about it—most folks there are/were pretty serious drinkers but there are a range of people who use naltrexone). It “fills up” the dopamine receptors that alcohol binds to in the brain so that you don’t get a dopamine response to seek alcohol (so, no euphoria, though you can still get drunk if you drink too much). It takes consistent use over time to kill off that drive to seek alcohol but it does work for many people.
@calvinabume I'm proud of you man! It gets easier over time, but try to avoid any tempting situations like bars for a bit. 4 years off alcohol and 3 off weed and cigs here.
@calvinabume This is fucking incredible, congratulations!! It really is such a massive step forward in life, and this glow-up is going to radiate throughout the rest of your life in a major way. I am very excited for you, you can totally keep going :)
@calvinabume I never smoked, but quitting drinking about a year ago has been the best thing I’ve done in my adult life. My quality of life is so improved. I’m getting in kickass shape, which is great on its own… but I also just feel so much better all the time and have been doing so many more things than I used to. Going to concerts, trying new things, etc… just having experiences besides just sitting at home and drinking and playing video games all night every weekend.

Getting jacked and more lean again and feeling attractive is a bonus haha.