I’m 16M and know its better not to cut, how much should I eat so I don’t get overweight for the next two years?


New member
I’ve been weightlifting for 2 years (since 14) and have gained a good amount of muscle and maybe a bit more fat than needed went from 120lbs to 176lbs, so I limited my diet a but in ramadan and lost about 14lbs to about 162lbs now, but I did it with a dietitian so I wasn’t on a diet of my own. So now, how much extra calories should I consume ti be able to build muscle and not gain too much fat till I reach 18. I train 6 times a week, two o FB them are basketball training and the other 4 are weightlifting.
@blueskies88 You're 16 and still growing, so limiting your diet isn't the most effective. The most effective is to remove the useless foods (soda, ice creams, burgers, etc) in other words foods that have little nutritive value and low protein and high sugar.

it seems your weight varies a lot in a short amount of time, so keeping a stable diet is important so your skin doesn't stretch too fast.

other than that, you can check the calories needed for a physically active guy of your height & weight and see if your daily food intake is around that
@blueskies88 You don't say how tall you are, which matters. Also, what's your potential growth like? (ie, how tall is your dad or other men in your family?)

Cus depending on that, the answer could be just to roughly try and maintain your weight and focus on eating high protein and eating healthy. If you have room to grow, try and listen to your body and eat when you're hungry and slowly grow with your height. I wouldn't do a dedicated "bulk" where you're aiming to gain a certain amount per week. Just eat like a sane person.

Try and limit ultra processed foods (aka, all the junk foods) and focus on eating whole foods. Build up these habits now. But there's no shame in enjoying some pizza and soda when hanging out with friends or at a party or something, but just don't go having it every day. Find the balance of health and enjoyment.
@blueskies88 Track ur weight every week on an empty stomach and use a tracking app for calories.Take progress pics and videos.

Every week compare urself to the previous weigh ins/ pictures/kcals consumed daily.

You’re getting too fat? Lower the kcals a lil.
You’re the same weight? Up the kcals a lil.

Unfortunately since you’re still growing it’s harder to calculate ur maintenance calories.
@lorip I do weigh myself every week or so, but take progress photos about every month. But your suggestion is more convenient so I’d try to do that.
@blueskies88 I have seen two terms for this clean or lean bulk

But as your a kid I would consult your doctor and or a nutritionist that being said here are some YouTube links. I’m NOT a medical professional!
These are the links I would link of you were an adult.

Jeff nippar the best I think super nice and calm

Jeremy Ethier second best

Dr Mike kind of macho beware