I’m 38. I’ve been told I won’t get to what I was even when I was 34

@supernova1044 I'm working on it myself but I bought a 50lb kettle bell and am eating approximately 125g protein per day- whey protein, low fat cottage cheese, turkey, tuna salad made with lite mayo, salmon, peanut butter and banana smoothies, chocolate whey protein mixed with oikos protein yogurt, etc. Fiber is in chia seeds and lots of fruits and veggies. Gotta lift heavy I am aiming to deadlift/bench press 150lbs eventually! But I started off with a 15lb kettle bell and now it feels like nothing after carrying around my baby lol so I am moving onto heavier:) Heavy is key!!!!! ETA: I am 38 and gave birth at 37, so I am a first time mom (10.5 months postpartum) working to get back in shape. :)
@supernova1044 I was always that fat kid, that fat girl. But I started lifting and running and I got stronger. Metabolism was never a friend. But I was hella strong. Packed some fat with a lot of muscle. I used to run 5 miles on most days, lift and hike a ton. \
I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 31. I went through the full checklist - surgery, chemo, radiation. I'm in hormonal treatment that puts me in chemical menopause and will be for another 3 years. No estrogen does a number on the metabolism, bone health, joints blah blah. I'm 34 now. \
When I restarted my journey I couldn't run .25 mile without huffing and puffing. I'm still not anywhere close to what I used to be. But my healthiest and fittest is ahead of me and I genuinely believe this. Because having gone through what I have I know what I'm capable of. Some random person who's not walked a day in my shoes or lived a day in my head has no freaking clue what I'm capable of.
What others tell you about what you can or cannot do doesn't matter. What you tell yourself is what matters.
I gave myself the time to grieve and heal and recover. But finally I'm back.
Don't let haters bring you down! 38 or 83 who cares!
@supernova1044 I'm 44 and started lifting a couple of years ago. I'm in better shape now than I was in my 30s, I probably even have a better muscle to fat ratio than I did in my 20s when I didn't work out. As long as you're consistent you'll get there. Add in strength training and you'll see definite improvement.

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