I’m 38. I’ve been told I won’t get to what I was even when I was 34

@supernova1044 I'm working on it myself but I bought a 50lb kettle bell and am eating approximately 125g protein per day- whey protein, low fat cottage cheese, turkey, tuna salad made with lite mayo, salmon, peanut butter and banana smoothies, chocolate whey protein mixed with oikos protein yogurt, etc. Fiber is in chia seeds and lots of fruits and veggies. Gotta lift heavy I am aiming to deadlift/bench press 150lbs eventually! But I started off with a 15lb kettle bell and now it feels like nothing after carrying around my baby lol so I am moving onto heavier:) Heavy is key!!!!! ETA: I am 38 and gave birth at 37, so I am a first time mom (10.5 months postpartum) working to get back in shape. :)
@supernova1044 I was always that fat kid, that fat girl. But I started lifting and running and I got stronger. Metabolism was never a friend. But I was hella strong. Packed some fat with a lot of muscle. I used to run 5 miles on most days, lift and hike a ton. \
I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 31. I went through the full checklist - surgery, chemo, radiation. I'm in hormonal treatment that puts me in chemical menopause and will be for another 3 years. No estrogen does a number on the metabolism, bone health, joints blah blah. I'm 34 now. \
When I restarted my journey I couldn't run .25 mile without huffing and puffing. I'm still not anywhere close to what I used to be. But my healthiest and fittest is ahead of me and I genuinely believe this. Because having gone through what I have I know what I'm capable of. Some random person who's not walked a day in my shoes or lived a day in my head has no freaking clue what I'm capable of.
What others tell you about what you can or cannot do doesn't matter. What you tell yourself is what matters.
I gave myself the time to grieve and heal and recover. But finally I'm back.
Don't let haters bring you down! 38 or 83 who cares!
@supernova1044 I'm 44 and started lifting a couple of years ago. I'm in better shape now than I was in my 30s, I probably even have a better muscle to fat ratio than I did in my 20s when I didn't work out. As long as you're consistent you'll get there. Add in strength training and you'll see definite improvement.
@supernova1044 I lost 50 lbs at 38 and was probably in the best shape of my life at 40. You're talking to the wrong people. Lift heavy and focus on nutrition. Read Roar by Stacy Sims for some insights into nutrition and training.
@supernova1044 I’m 41 and look amazingly strong. I’m in the literal best shape of my life.
My best advice with lifting is to push yourself. Literally when you think you can’t do one more rep, do another. Most people don’t actually know what true “failure” is when training (that burning feeling is not failure, you can likely do 10+ reps past that! Lol). Obviously lifts such as barbell squats should not be taken to failure for safely. But should at least get super slow and grinding at the end.
@supernova1044 You got this! I'm also 38 and struggling with my body- I was in great shape in my early 30s but I have a significant knee injury, and a new job that is making it hard for me to carve out time for the gym. But I recently started a weight training class and I'm so shocked at how much I can lift compared to when I was in my 20s. I've been hitting a lot of PRs and it's been great for my self-confidence. Does your gym have any group training classes? It's done wonders for me to do things in a group setting, not only for the motivation but having spotters for heavier lifts etc.
@supernova1044 I’m forty-friggin-five and killing my kickboxing, HIIT, Pilates and strength training workouts. People around me say I look like I’m aging backwards. Do I sometimes modify moves when I feel like I’m pushing it too hard? Sure. And yeah I take collagen supplements for my joints as well as my skin.
But honestly I don’t feel any weaker or less energetic than I did in my 30s. Don’t listen to those people, 38 is still young!
@supernova1044 My mother got in the best shape of her life at 48. Like 6 pack, skin looked so youthful and healthy, incredibly toned. Rocked a bathing suit better than I did at the time (I was 24).
@supernova1044 That's BS. I'm 37 and in the best shape of my 30s if not my life. After watching my dad and FIL deal with some health issues the past year, I realized that my lifestyle choices now will dictate how my life looks when I'm 70, and I don't want to be suffering and wishing I had taken better care of myself.

My tip is to do something that you enjoy and can fit into your life. I do dumbbell YouTube workouts in my basement because I like to work out at home after my kids are in bed.

Those people at your gym are jerks. Ignore them. Do a Google search for beginner gym workouts, and try one. If you don't like it, reevaluate and try a different one! The main thing is just making a start. You can do it!
@supernova1044 Women do begin to lose muscle mass after age 30, especially if it isn’t being utilized.

But 38 is not old! You can absolutely get into shape at 38. Heck I’ve seen women in their 50s & 60s get in shape.
@supernova1044 This is a very common old school way of thinking. I think it’s partially their own self excuses, partially horrible diet culture, and Victorian era fainting couch syndrome. My grandpa’s parents were German immigrants and big believers of resting and immobilizing for any ailment, including aging. It did not serve them well but you couldn’t convince them otherwise.
@supernova1044 I'm 40 and real close to being back to what I was at 34, which was also my peak strength. I have matched PR on several lifts and even exceeded on a few. I feel confident I will surpass 34 by the time I turn 41 in Nov. I think you were talking to the wrong people, you can definitely do it.
@supernova1044 I'm 32 soon and in better shape now than I was at 22 or 27 by far. I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome too. You just gotta really put the work in.

Also, find a new gym. If the people at your gym aren't there to support and gas you up, those people suck.
@supernova1044 Not true. I’m 47 and almost back into the same shape I was in at 30. I could probably get to the shape I was in at 20 if I wanted to put in more exercise time but I don’t.

Though I think I’ll take up swimming soon and the fact that it’s more strenuous than Pilates might just do it