I’m 38. I’ve been told I won’t get to what I was even when I was 34


New member
I was in the best shape of my life at 34. I’m now around the weight as I was at 34, it’s just I lost some muscle and have a higher body fat percentage so it doesn’t look the same. Some say at my age it’s normal. Kind of sad that people act as if 38 is old? It’s really sad that a woman will get more flack than a male would in regard to getting in their best shape. I was once in better shape at 34 than I ever was in most of my 20’s. I hardly lift and now I will. Any tips for a newbie? I asked locals at my gym…. They just don’t think I have it in me. Walking was once a hard thing for me tbh and I’ve come a long way. I can now walk miles. Use to be winded after 10 minutes. Not looking to be coddled and I understand I have to put in the work.
@supernova1044 Nonsense.
I’m 40, and in way better shape than I was at 34. And I have hypothyroidism, diabetes and a young child/full time job.

I do have to take digestive enzymes and BCAAs to absorb more protein than I did before, but I find it easier to meal prep and stick to routines now.
@supernova1044 Please don't listen to that bullshit, it grinds my gears when people assume women over 35 automatically become out of shape and unattractive it reeks of misogyny as well. I'm much more muscular and have less body fat than I did in my 20s and I'm the same age as you. You mentioned you will start lifting now, maybe see if there are any beginner classes at your gym or find a workout partner to make it more fun!
@godisking27 I'm 41 and I'm feeling fitter and lifting heavier than I was when I went through a weightloss/fitness journey at 30 (and admittedly I was more overweight to start with at 40 than when I did it at 30)

I am also much more aware of macros and nutrients (thanks to more awareness and more internet)
@supernova1044 I’m 28 but I think people are unhinged. 38 isn’t old! Also, any changes that may occur metabolically or hormonally are generally manageable. I don’t know why people think 38 is like 70. It’s still young tbh.

A lot of health care professionals say that the 30’s and 40’s are when you can start to tell who exercises and who doesn’t. Don’t let the people who don’t, and who have given up, tell you what’s possible.
@supernova1044 I've been told by physicians and nurses that I would never be able to bench press, do hot yoga, or hike uphill again. I really don't care about what anyone tells me I can or can't do, I'll decide. My advice is stick with it, nothing beats consistency and practice.
@supernova1044 I got in the best shape of my life at 38 with two small children. People say a lot of shit. Sure it may be a little harder, but it’s doable. I’m now pregnant with my third and having done it before this pregnancy, I have no doubts I can do it again. People may put limits on you, but you don’t need to put limits on yourself.
@supernova1044 I am turning 38 this year, also with two small children. Now I am in the best shape than I was at 34. I started lifting weights because I struggled mentally after my second child. I am 1.5 years into it, built significant muscles and I love how my body looks now than my pre-pregnancy body!
@hdlewallen You totally can! The weight did not fall off for me…. I was holding onto 30lb. I used noom for food tracking and my peloton. Food tracking is key and working out makes you feel good and gives you wiggle room which when you are losing and taking care of kiddos is needed 😂
@supernova1044 That’s crazy! I see so many people who are “older” and in the best shape they have ever been in.

It takes commitment and of course as you age it’s proven that it’s harder to get into and stay in shape. But of course, not impossible.

Prove them all wrong!
@supernova1044 My father in law is 70 and has six pack abs. He was overweight, smoking, drinking and all that until he had a heart attack at 40. He completely changed his lifestyle after. Now he walks 10-15k steps a day, eats high protein and does some lifting.

It’s never too late.
@evergreen777 My dad is 75 and still cycles about 20 miles a day. He’s always been very healthy, and everyone assumes he is 20 years younger.

I am 36 and just had my first kid 7 months ago. Since then I’ve dropped 20 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight and have been achieving PR’s in the gym.

OP, almost nothing is inevitable except for death and taxes. Keep working on your goals and ignore anyone who says they aren’t possible.