I’m 38. I’ve been told I won’t get to what I was even when I was 34

@supernova1044 I’m 60 and consistantcy is more important than spending ridiculous amounts of time in the gym. I lift twice a week for less than an hour and walk. I look better than I did in my 30s when it was all cardio. Good luck!
@supernova1044 Yea, that's nuts. I'm about to be 34 and I didn't start my "fitness journey" until I was 32 (and I was overweight since I was 18). I expect to be in much better shape at 40 than 30.

Oh and I do pole classes with people from ~20-50 🤣
@supernova1044 Jeana Aragon on insta is 51 and looks amazing and frequently posts about training her elderly parents. Because I engage with her a lot insta thinks I’m ancient and I’m fed a lot of fit and forty/fifty/sixty content and it is a relief because honestly we never see old people in our culture, much less fit old people.
@supernova1044 Im almost 62 and I am in way better shape than i was in my 30s and 40s, i run, practice yoga, lift 5-10 pounds hand weights. you definitely have the potential to reach any goals you set for yourself. A consistent healthy diet plays an important part too! Healthy proteins, fiber etc
@supernova1044 I was 55, post-menopausal and diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I finally decided either get healthy or ...

Lost 60 lbs, started long distance cycling, can touch my toes in yoga ... most days ;-).

It's never too late!
@supernova1044 I listen to the Doctors Pharmacy podcast and the doctor is very inspirational in that he’s in his 60’s and he talks about the importance of building and maintaining muscle into the later years. He also says he’s in better shape currently than when he was younger. He has a wide variety of health topics.

On Instagram I also follow fiftyfitnessjourney and her body at 53 is insane. She shows before and after pics and it’s truly eye opening.
@supernova1044 I’ve been prioritising health and fitness in my recent years and feel like I’m aging backwards!! Feel way better at 29 than I did at 21.

I’m running with my border collie, doing functional fitness, eating the rainbow, sipping on bougie mocktails, reducing stress, sleeping more, and minding my business- life’s great.

I’ve been telling everyone who asks that I’ve lost 15lbs, but I checked this morning and it’s actually 19lbs now. It’s just coming off as the natural consequence of making good choices day in and day out, which is easy to do when you’ve had a taste of how good it feels to prioritise yourself and true health.
@supernova1044 I’m 38 and in the best shape of my life (former cardio addict turned resistance training fan). There are plenty of theories as to why women are expected to just soften up and waste away when middle age hits. Maybe some of it has to do with “the patriarchy” idk. But it’s all a lie! Check out Dr. Stacey Sims and @trainwithjoan on Instagram!
@supernova1044 You can do it again, please don't let anyone dishearten you.
I'm 38 this year and definitely not letting my age stop me achieve my fitness goals plus 38 is nothing. I see women in their 40s and 50s who look amazing for hard work.

Detach yourself from these people ❤️
@supernova1044 It’s probably to do with the general misconception that your metabolism changes as you get older, it’s not correct. The only metabolism change happens way later on around 60 and even then it’s not super significant. The one thing that does happen, is you start to have age related muscle loss but even then, it doesn’t start to kick in til 35-40 and if you workout and keep the muscle you have nothing to worry about. I think people freak out because your 30-40’s is when you can start to notice who exercises and who doesn’t and people love to blame their own bad habits on age, when really it’s just their own lifestyle that stops them from looking and feeling their best. no better time to start than now.
@rockhopper72 Menopause affects metabolism for women, doesn't It? I am asking, not correcting.

I agree that 30s is when you start noticing who exercises because I was always the person who doesn't need to exercise much to be fit. Used to. 32 and clearly in need to step up. But we all have the agency to be our best selves even if age doesn't help, it doesn't prevent us.
@reborn11 menopause itself does not affect metabolism but the crazy hormone shifts can affect where you store weight, as well as many women already have hormonal imbalances which can be made worse from peri/menopause etc. also.. the shifts from menopause can stress women out therefore cortisol can be all over the place causing weight-gain. Generally though if things go how they should, it shouldn’t affect metabolism.

again menopause also falls in line with that age related sarcopenia (muscle loss) so if you aren’t keeping that muscle on, that’s going to change your metabolism so I guess a lot of women think it’s menopause.
@supernova1044 I take my mom as inspiration. She is in her sixties, does a lot of casual activity for fun and goes to the gym six days a week and has a very balanced diet even our strict doctor is impressed with. Three days of lifting and three of cardio. I’m not quite as consistent but I’m getting there. Whatever you do consistently will have an impact, for better or worse and the people bringing you down seem to have made different choices than you are at 34 and now.
@supernova1044 Pshhhh you can absolutely get in shape. Im in better shape now than I was in all of my 20s. I’m 32. I think I still look the same because I’ve always been petite, but I definitely have a bit more muscle tone and my body just feels a million times better.