I’m a girl and I want to become stronger and gain more stamina but I’m not sure how


New member

I want to gain more muscle ans become stronger but I’m not sure as to how. I also have low iron so I get tired easily and want to fix that (other than taking medications). I want to re build my body and diet and I’ hoping to get some tips
@lee101st Drink more water to help somewhat with the iron and eat more while increasing your activity level for strength.

Find out exactly what your goal is and make it tangible. Do you want to lift a certain weight? Look a certain way? General health? Your activity will be determined off your goals, if you are new to anything though, a great start is bodyweight exercises and short bouts of cardio, not running, but cycling, hiking, long walks. Unless running is your favorite most people get put off by doing it, so just get your heart rate up in other ways. Look into HIIT workouts too, they are short bodyweight exercises not focused on strength gain but instead are meant to raise your heart rate and cause stress
@lee101st Start with consistent walks each day. Then build up time spent walking until you can comfortably walk for at least an hour. Then gradually start to jog/ run. No more than 10 mins for the first time. Walk in between running if you need to.
@lee101st My university gym provides "strength basics" classes as part of the gym membership. A qualified personal trainer teaches the class, and it is mostly attended by women who've never been to a gym before. It's a great way to learn the key points about gaining strength and muscle, in a positive and encouraging way.

If you don't have access to a gym, check out r/bodyweightfitness or r/fitness

Also, taking longer walks with a weighted backpack, preferably with some elevation gain, will get your legs very strong in no time.
@lee101st For general fitness check /r/Fitness out and read their wiki. Pick one of their template workout programs all you need to get started. might seem like a lot of info but take your time with it and always ask questions on that subreddit if you're confused with anything.


If you want to build stamina I'd suggest running. C25K is a good beginner's running program.


@lee101st Eat red meat more and go to the gym ? Is it that hard. I swear to god everyone that posts for advice on this forum knows what they need to do but just want to ponder it. None of you are serious about it. Get off reddit and go and fkn do it ffs