@xfit12 The most useful advice I can give you for overall health is to stop focusing on protein intake, the ranges we typically see flying around the internet are either in-vitro tests with muscle cells from twenty years ago or directly pulled out of strength athletes that work out twice a day six days a week. An excess in protein intake is harmful for your long-term health as the nitrogen groups present on the aminoacids are toxic for our cardiovascular system. That said, the worst that can happen is to lose renal function and a slight increase in cancer risk, but you could live with only one kidney anyway.
1500-2000 calories is a significant deficit for your height to sustain a healthy weight, it would be for a 70kg individual who does not perform any kind of training. That said, I'd definitely remove empty calories (such as protein powder) and add whole foods in your main meals. Fiber is your friend here, we know that, you can easily eat 2500 calories and improve your performance at the gym while reducing waist line.
Now, for the workout, which is the most important part once you've reached a healthy weight, I'd change the PPL for a whole body protocol, at least two of the three days, as a stimuli of one day a week per muscle isn't enough to promote even strength long-term, even less for a body composition. Putting that aside though, aerobic is what you should be doing most if reducing body fat is your objective. three sessions of 20 minutes (which could perfectly be performed after the strength exercises, in a concurrent training programme), focusing on short intervals of high intensity (I'll start with 45" with 90" of rest at RPEs of 7-8/10 as you haven't been doing aerobic lately, and progress to 15-20" with 45-60" of rest with RPEs of 9-10/10 in a couple of months).
As a final note, I'll point out that refusing to train on a gym with proper equipment is like trying to eat a soup with a fork, you could do it, it's just not efficient. I don't like gym culture myself but it has better tools for any objective you want to accomplish than a few squats/push-ups or even a calisthenics park can achieve.