I cant lift more than 10 kilos in bicep curls. It’s been like this for 8 months

@vincentleo Big who cares, just about the most useless exercise there is, stick to progressing in the big coupound lifts, you should be exhausted after your big lifts and just do whatever you can for little excessories like this
@vincentleo Sleep more, schedule it in.

Forget bi curls for awhile. Focus on compound movements (press, pull, squat,deadlift).

Get on a proven program.

While it doesn’t generally matter much which routine you follow, it’s still important that you do follow a structured routine. It’s always better to defer to existing, proven routines that came from experienced professionals than it is to try to reinvent the wheel – at best you’ll come up with something equivalent, but more likely you’ll come up with something worse. You can read more about this in the Importance of Having a Program section of the Adding Physical Activity page.

A list of reliable, quality routines that r/Fitness and r/weightroom users commonly recommend can be found on the Recommended Routines – Strength Training / Muscle Building page.

@vincentleo Leave your biceps alone for a week.
Do 6 or 8 kilos with increasing sets.
Do the curls with lower weight, but lower them slooooooowly.

You got this!
@vincentleo Are you only ever training biceps or you're doing a full workout with bicep training at the end? Just a bit confused reading the comments.

Here's some things you can try if it's an important goal for you.

Split your bicep training into heavy / light sessions.

On light sessions, do 5/7.5kg for 15-20 reps, ideally do 3-4 sets where possible, if you drop below 15 reps, lower the weight to complete your sets.

On heavy days - choose 10/12.25kg dumbbells and aim to do 3-6 clean reps, aim for 6, do 5 sets and stop if you drop below 3 reps.

After that, do some cable machine isometric (or with a barbell if you have access to sub 20kg bars) where you're holding the weight at the top, middle and bottom position while contracting your biceps hard.

Works up from 5kg to 7.5kg over 2-3 weeks while you progress your sets, ideally you'll be getting at least 3x20@5kg before you move up.

Likewise start at 10kg for 5x3@10kg and work up to 5x6(reps)@10kg before moving up to 12.25kg.


Week 1: Monday - Light Sessions: 3x15@5kg

Week 2: Monday- Light Sessions: 4x15@5kg

Week 3: Monday - Light Sessions: 3x20@5kg

Week 4: Monday - Light sessions: 3x15@7.5kg

Volume goes 225kg / 300kg / 300kg / 337.5kg
@donnamann1 I do a full workout with bicep training at the end. I don’t have much time to focus only on biceps. I do a regular 4 dag bro split (I think that’s what it’s called). Bicep curls are 2 times a week.
@vincentleo Curls are useless

Progress the main compounds

If I I do and I rarely do biceps it’s with like 30lbs and only doing it for tension to get a pump and I have 21in arms lol

But I hit triceps hard no matter what workout I’m doing

You don’t need to max out bicep curls if you enjoy having healthy elbows

Maxing out bicep curls is not the way to get big Arms

High rep low weight slow controlled reps with a hard squeeze at the top helps

But big meaty triceps are what make your arms look big in a shirt

Biceps without triceps looks goofy as fuck
@vincentleo One thing that helped me was throwing out reps all together.

I do a warm up set about half of my goal weight

Then a do a few reps around 75%

Then I do one working set and I do as many reps as possible. I'm not aiming for a number but I aim to beat last workouts numbers.

If I do more than 10 reps I add 5 lbs next week until I can do 10-12 reps.

Then I repeat.
  1. Find the weight where your only doing 4 reps , if your doing 10 reps with 10KG then maybe up to 15KG or 12.5KG either way start with your weight where your doing only 4-6 reps , do 2 sets , on the third set do that same wait and pyramid down grabbing the next smaller set of dumbbells and rep to failure , grab the next smallest rep to failure again , keep going down until your around 2.5KGs in each dumbbell then start climbing the weights again back up to original weight until failure , should burn the muscle down pretty well , oh and slam protein man !! Creatine helps also
@vincentleo Okay, do this

2 sets x 8 - 10 reps Hammer Curls

2 sets x 8 - 10 reps Reverse Curls

2 sets x 8 - 10 reps Bicep Curls

Two times a week, use pairs of 20 lbs dumbbell.

Also, make sure you eat adequate amounts of protein.
@vincentleo Hey not trying to discourage you but I think youre just physically capped by your genetics or something I'm 19 125 lbs and can curl 30 pounds for 10 reps