I couldn’t even do 5 minutes on an elliptical!!! Help!!!’

@andrewmicheals I workout a lot and probably can’t do 5 minutes on an elliptical because I hardly do cardio (I’m really trying to do it for health but I loathe it). You’re doing great! One step at a time and the more you do it, the easier it gets. Post your progress in a few weeks!
@andrewmicheals Just a heads up the burning chest feeling is pretty normal for cardio when you first start it. Especially if you drink cold water right before or during your workout. I’ve been running for years and even I still get the chest burn sometimes if the air is cold or I’m drinking cold ish water.

Like everyone else said you gotta work your way up to going longer. I would also say that the elliptical is hard af compared to just regular running. One of the things I do that makes the elliptical better is I watch tv and I pace myself based on what’s going on in the show.
@andrewmicheals That’s totally normal, don’t worry and try not to be discouraged!

When I started gym-ing again after a looong break (and a lot of extra pounds!) the most I could jog at a time was 1 min! And that was me a sweating, achey mess! But I kept it up, 1min walking, 1 jogging on and off for maybe 10mins at first, if I could manage, trying to progress every week (like others have suggested).

I can now jog/run for 5k two years later (I’m still slow but I can do it!)

Slow and steady is the way! So maybe elliptical for 1min, break for 1 min (maybe stretching) and repeat as many times as you can. Then you have a baseline to work from - go for either more repetitions next time, or up the minutes.

You’ve already done the hard part of overcoming inertia and making a start - good luck!
@andrewmicheals Congratulations on taking the first steps - others have given great advice but one more suggestion, get you something distracting on the TV or good music. If I am just on the elliptical with no distractions, I just can't do more than a few minutes however, if I have a great podcast to listen to, I get into the podcast and forget about what my body is doing and bam.. I'm done! Just work your way up.. you'll get there!
@andrewmicheals When I started running at 22 yo I couldn't run for more than 5 minutes. I started by alternating running one block and walking the next. I slowly increased the run distance - next week run 2 blocks, walk one block, repeat. After some weeks or months I was able to increase distances to 30 minutes. Good luck on your journey, be safe and healthy!
@andrewmicheals Dude, the first time I did the elliptical, I was gassed in 5 minutes, and at that time I was running regularly. I have no idea what it was that took me out, but all it took was some time to adjust. I think it was just a weird motion for my body to get used to.

Just keep going, it gets easier as you do it.
@andrewmicheals I encourage you to do what you can. Everyone has to start somewhere. If you can only do 3 minutes today, do it. Do your 3 minutes for a week, Then increase it to 4 or 5 minutes, Just keep going and aim to go just a little bit more each week. You'll get there.
@andrewmicheals Do a minute and then reverse direction. One minute on, one minute the other way. It will help you increase your endurance, yet still keeping your cardio going. Best of luck!
@andrewmicheals I started going to the gym pretty recently and elliptical is part of my daily routine. I’m definitely a newbie but I remember the first time I did it having no resistance and it was so hard. Once I did it a few times and got it the flow it was way better and I’m way up on resistance now!

I also turn on tv shows while on the elliptical. I started Peacemaker and would only watch it when I was running on the elliptical. It got to a point where I’d keep running bc it was a good episode or I’d go to the gym to watch. If I got wrapped into the show enough it was a lot easier to run bc I was really interested in the storyline!
@andrewmicheals When I first started I only got 5 minutes in too. Now 2 months later I do an hour a day! I'm a 57 year old woman, recently went into remission for Hodgkin's lymphoma AND Her2 positive breast cancer at same time(during COVID). Just keep at it. Don't punish yourself. My secret is old school hip hop! I HATE exercise but I LOVE TO DANCE. I trick myself into believing I'm dancing. Good luck, we GOT THIS ❤️