I created a free app for people who struggle with finding a workout routine


New member
Hey r/beginnerfitness. I was struggling to workout so I recruited a friend and we developed FitClick.

There are six categories:
  1. Dumbell
  2. Bodyweight Beginner
  3. Bodyweight Intermediate
  4. Bodyweight Advanced
  5. Cardio
  6. Dieting tips
In each category the app spits out a task/workout for you to complete. If you dont like it move on to the next one until you find one you can do. Here's what the app looks like:

App interface:
I'd love to hear feedback, and answer questions you might have. Feel free to give suggestions on how we can improve and if we should add any new categories. Thanks!

Download for free on Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gamifiedliving.fitclick

coming soon to apple, follow r/gamifiedapps for updates

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