We created an app for the Recommended Routine and we want to share it with the community

@havy_havy I think it would be possible with advanced programming in the future. Please, don’t expect it to be soon though. Thanks to the feedback from the community we have plenty of work to do and for now only my friend is doing valuable input to the code.
@arniep Hi,

I just wanted to say I appreciate you developing an app for the community, thank you! I've used the app three times. I like how clean it is, how easy it is to choose different exercises and the inclusion of text guides. I know you are considering adding the warm-up, that would be great. The app locked up on me once mid-workout, but otherwise I've had no issues. If you ever add the ability to track weighted reps and more sets, I'll make the app my main tool. Thank you again!
@arniep Hi, I think this could be my favourite app for the RR, but I have technical difficulties with it. When I want to start a workout I just get to see a white screen with the logo. I have to close the app to get back to the main screen. Is this a known issue or is there a fix?
I am on an S21 with Android 11.
@fruitfly Hi. Can you please check if the latest version of the app is installed? From what we got from the crash reports - this issue should be fixed in the 1.0.25 (latest) version of the app from the 20th of November. Although we couldn't reproduce it ourselves yet

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