I literally can’t gain weight

@jessiengerman I was in ur shoes still am , I’m 6’2 started at 140lbs I eat 3-5lbs of chicke a day , 3-5 cups of rice a day , 2 cans of 5 oz tuna , 4 fruits 4 vegetables and a mass gainer 2 times a day or once they kinda fill u up for a while , carbs are important they hold water weight , also drink 2 gallons of water a day
@jessiengerman Maybe it is somehow connected to leaky gut or other gut problems? You can try adding probiotics with digestive enzimes? Anyways I know it sucks and I wish you all the best.
@jessiengerman 3500 to 4500? that’s not consistent at all, and you need consistency. 1000 cal differential is ridiculous. Would you tell an obese person that they can eat 2000 to 3000 cal a day and expect consistent weight loss?
“Every few days I go to McDonald’s and have a couple of quarter pounder‘s in addition to my normal meals, why am I still fat?”
@jessiengerman You are in high school? I couldn't keep weight or muscle on until after college. I guess if I had a few pieces of advice. Get labs done, thyroid issues, heart issues, and thymus issues among others can cause metabolic issues. Try maximizing liquid calories. Cut out cardio all together. Chanko-nabe really helped me start gaining and putting on weight.
@jessiengerman Have you tried eating right before you go to sleep? that usually makes me gain weight. When you go to sleep right after you eat your body doesn't have time to digest everything so it coverts everything into fat/stored fat. be careful with this tho because it could cause digestive problems/heartburn depending on the quality of food ur eating, maybe wait 30mins-1 hour before going to sleep see what works for u. this is just something ive noticed that makes me gain weight. everyone's body is different tho

have you tried fasting? intermittent fasting? when you fast regularly, your body metabolism slows down, makes it easy to gain weight when you gorge

Last thing i could think of is that you're going to the gym too much for sure. Focus on gaining weight first and converting that fat into muscle go to the gym maybe 3x a week max. If you're still not seeing progress/gaining weight stop going to the gym all together and focus on putting on weight.
@jessiengerman Stop working out and do a calorie surplus. If you want to work out i wouldn’t exceed 3 times a week. Also track your calories exactly. Not guessing off one time you did track. A food scale would help! They are very useful.
I’d also calculate how much protein you’re eating and make sure you’re getting enough. Maybe add a protein shake to breakfast and when you get home from school. Shoot for 200 grams of protein a day!
Add stuff to make you get more if you’re making eggs add cottage cheese in them.
And it wouldn’t hurt to go to dr and check your thyroid just incase.

My husband couldn’t gain weight in high school either it wasn’t until college and he had to eat and track insanely.

I think if you stick to it, slowly but surely it will happen. It does sound like you’re working out entirely too much 3 a week at max.
@jessiengerman You literally can’t can’t gain weight, unless you have some sort of medical condition, but you’d have already noticed. I’m a hard gainer as well and from experience I can tell you that you’re most likely:
-not eating on a surplus.
-overestimating how much you’re eating
-not being consistent with your surplus
@jessiengerman You literally can gain weight. You're literally miscalculating something and misunderstanding why you're not gaining weight. Calories obey the laws of Thermodynamics. It might help if you work out fewer than 6 days per week when trying to bulk.

Weigh yourself regularly and track it. If your weight does not trend upwards week to week, you're not eating enough. I don't care what the calorie calculator says. The scale overrules everything else.
@jessiengerman Ops own comments tell me he doesn't understand what he is saying. You literally can't train to failure six days a week. You also literally cannot fail to gain weight if you are bulking because even with a fast metabolism it is still CICO..I suggest changing up training routine and tracking calories.
@jessiengerman A couple things…get blood work done including thyroid levels. Second, actually track what you are eating. Eat as much protein as you weigh. Do not overtrain. You do need to train to failure but over training hurts progress.
@jessiengerman Have you tried to reduce training days in order to decrease your overall calorie burning? You can get any result you want on 4 days a week. Are you resting properly? Because resting is literally the most important part of it all - if you don't get proper sleep and allow your body to regenerate you will only end up frustrated.

Training a muscle to failure that hasnt even properly regenerated is a waste of time and energy.

Also 3500-4500 is kinda vague, you need to be consistent. That number needs to be the same preferably everyday.
Im skinny as hell even though I workout 6 days a week and I see no progress.

Can try switching to a 3 day Full Body Routine.

Working out less will be more for you. Less days in the gym will also mean your calories will be working for you more since you are not burning them as much.

I train til failure with proper form and the right amount of weight yet nothing happens.

Stop training til failure. Train til 2 RIR (Reps in Reserve).

No need for failure, just get close to it and you'll see far better results.

“gee I wish I could eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight”

Start adding 1-2 cups of whole milk with your meals.

With your protein shakes add peanut butter, whole milk and etc for calories.