I need help converting my low carb high protein diet into a vegan diet

@faith11238206 There’s a lot of nonsense on this board, mainly on account of people who’ve found out they were sold one conspiracy theory (AKA meat/dairy is good, carbs bad) for a certain amount of time in their lives and that therefore the opposite must now be true because that was false (AKA meat/dairy bad, carbs good).

The facts of the matter however are that a) Keto doesn’t appear to be just a fad and has some promising science in its favour, and b) keto is perfectly doable even on a vegan diet.

If you want to suddenly start chowing down on carbs, be my guest, but even if you don’t go the whole 9 yards with keto, you can still do low carb on a vegan diet. Plenty of low carb vegan options are readily available (eg. Tofu, seitan, protein powders, etc)
@bedish I'm mostly mad at keto for increasing folk's meat intake. Strict practitioners would at least be buying grass fed/local farmers/otherwise crunchy, but I know a lot of folks living on deli meat and cheese who praise it for their weight loss. I have not met anyone irl who's both doing keto and eating clean. They all just stopped eating carrots and called it a day. Imo that's rough to hear given the state of the environment.

It's also easy to be skeptical of the good it can do when all the practitioners I know tell you it'll teach you to fly and cure your cancer. Some folks think clearer and deal with diabetes better, but the shit I've heard claimed is just bonkers. My actual, real life friend group believes it's literally impossible to gain weight on a keto diet, which is not only insane but easy to demonstrate the falsehood of if you find a single keto bodybuilder. It seems reasonably healthy in the short and middle terms, offering some benefits and losing weight in some folks who struggle with other diets. If it has some long term downsides we'll surely know in the coming years of study given how many subjects adopted it so quickly.
@faith11238206 How do you know that it's not the massive amounts of protein that is fucking up your liver? And if it is, why would you continue with that, vegan or otherwise? Or bodies need starches, and not excessive amounts of protein. I'm hoping you can find something suitable for your health from one of the vegan bodybuilders. I'm just not so sure you need to be emphasizing high protein lot carb. I think that's what is messing with your health and not what you need to build/maintain muscle.

This trend of lumping "carbs" into a single category, IMO, is wrong. There's a difference between eating a pound of potatos or beans or whole sprouted grain bread and eating a pound of white bread or even dates. ...
@tammyp Well - because I have taken PEDs (Anabolics) - orally - that get filtered through my liver. I've done bloodwork and had doctors supervision while training for a fitness competition. It is known that Anabolics are harsh on the liver. I don't doubt anything you're saying though, I actually want to try something new and see how my body reacts. Hence my desire to try a Plant based diet.