I need help to fix my posture


New member
I have been doing chin tucks and exercises from this video to fix my posture for past few months. It doesn't seem to help much. I am also doing pullups, but I don't think it affects my posture much.

Here is a photo of my posture, and here is me doing a little chin tuck and tightening my abs to straight my back.

What exercises should I include to my daily trainings to fix that?
@haruchan I've been going to physical therapy and one of my issues was my posture, my neck would kinda stick forward like a turtle, I'll link some photos of a packet that contains exercises I should do to fix my posture that was given to me by my therapist.

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If you need a closer photo of the pages just let me know.
@haruchan Look up the "wall angel," and also focus on seating/lying positions that will maintain your good posture. It's about building a habit. Try focusing on it consciously, regularly throughout the day, for 1-3 months.

It's easy to slouch on a couch, especially while reading / on your phone or lying back watching TV, unless you pay attention. Keep your phone or a book up high, maybe balanced on a pillow/cushion or your knees, to prevent your neck from craning forward. Keep your back upright by pushing it against the rear pillows or the armrests.
@haruchan Just to add, other than the exercises (wall angels, rows, flys, chin tucks). Lateral pulls/chicken feeders are good too.

Haven't seen anyone say, stretch your pecs, sometimes lats and sternoicleidomastoid.

Strapping with kinesiotape - whist in good posture in a T, cross the shoulders down the spine - so you have a physical reminder throughout the day until you make it a habit can be helpful too.
@haruchan There's an exercise called angels and devils which I feel like helps a lot with shoulder retraction (prevents your shoulders from hunching like in your photo). Hyperextensions for the lower back also help me tremendously with having an upright posture.

You also have APT, look into strengthening glutes, abs and hipflexors for that.
@scottinvt I was hoping to see some angels and devils here! That exercise is what I implement whenever my posture is off. I just need my 8lb weights in each arm and a few sets of 10 reps and my shoulders are back in position.
@haruchan Try using Ring Y Raises and Neck Extensions. Those are two of the areas that commonly start to affect our posture and if you work on those, everything else tends to get better! :D

Nice goal, by the way! Good posture is important!
@haruchan It might be the angle but your upper back and neck don't really look misaligned, but you seem to have an anterior pelvic tilt which might give the illusion of bad upper back posture as well. But before you take any advice confirm with your GP or physio to rule out lordosis or kyphosis or scoliosis.