I need over 4100 calories a day according to this calculator... Anymore ideas on easy sources of calories?

@michaelkep Chicken, olive oil, oatmeal with peanut butter , yogurt, tuna, ground turkey, salmon,

There are denser foods but I err on the healthier options , I aim for 3800 a day my meals are:

Special k protein cereal and whole milk pre-workout -350ish

A post workout shake of whole milk, 2/3 cup of oikos yogurt, 2 tbsp olive oil, 2 scoops whey, and some fruit (usually frozen berries, avocado or banana) this is 900-1200 calorie

Cup of oatmeal with honey and 2 tbsp peanut butter 400ish

Lunch at 11 is leftovers from dinner

Second lunch is always chicken, brocolli and rice 400ish

When I get home from work I have a granola bar of some sort or a packet of tuna

Then dinner is whatever

Then a Banana with peanut butter and a scoop of whey before bed
@radicalmum Thanks Edgar-Allan-Pho.. How much you weigh if you don't mind me asking....I feel like guys that are like 5'6" have an advantage because they get to eat so much less calories and it isn't as much as a hindrance as it is to tall people
@radicalmum Man I'm 6'3, and I struggle to loose weight. Anything above 2k calories, and I start blowing up. I'm down to 20% after komyhs of hard grueling cutting. I'd honestly give anything to be 200lbs. I'm tired of being a big guy.
@ayu415 Ofcourse it all boils down to cal in and cal out and you can't do much about that. But what you can do is add muscle and raise your BMR. Not sure what your exercise routine is but for weight loss , lifting>cardio and then you get the added benefit of muscle building and raising your base metabolic rate .

Also I'd love to get to 200 lbs, different perspectives lmao
@ayu415 What’s your diet like? I’d bet if you tried carnivore you’d drop weight and gain muscle rapidly. Even at a higher calorie count.
@mbch Mostly fruit, meat, veges, and some carbs. Very healthy in general. I just having farming generics, and am meant to be a big guy I guess. I stretch and all that. But the feeling of being big is growing old on me.