I need some suggestions on important stretches before kettlebell workouts. I’m a beginner


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Good day, I have some workouts I want to start with my 35lb kettlebell and looking for some common stretches to do pre workout.
Kettlebell moves include
Double arm high pull
Double arm and single arm swings
Kettlebell tip
Push press
Russian twist
(Workout was given by a wellness coach at work, so I don’t know if those are the proper names)
Thank you.
@travis2014 Dynamic stretching, or light resistance warm-ups have always served me better. Static stretching is generally considered to be more beneficial after a workout.

Typically I do 10-15 shoulder dislocates with a broom stick, followed by 10-15 overhead squats with the same broomstick. That usually gets me primed for just about anything. I also often do a few sets of 10-25 reps of a light resistance band exercises (like face pulls or pull-aparts) because my shoulders have historically given me issues.
@travis2014 Objective of warmup is to prepare for exercise, stretches (static at least) do the opposite. Do a couple of jumping jacks, a few burpees, squats, mountain climbers, some light resistance with elastics, jumping rope. Whatever raises your heart rate and mobilizes the joints you exercises will use
@curty From what I remember, static stretches don't reduce performance unless you do them hard or sit in them for a long time.

But yeah, they don't really prepare you for the exercises, unless you're stretching to work on a specific mobility restriction.
@travis2014 Bands are good to get warmed up. I wouldn't bother with stretches. I'm a bit older at 50 so I always warm up with lighter bells and bands. Stretching pre workout has only ever caused me injuries
@travis2014 I would start with the Simple and Sinister warmup as a beginner. One additional thing I do is sit at the bottom of one of the squats for 30 seconds, per Dan John. Other than a warmup that takes my joints through their range of motion, I don't do stretches pre-workout.

I'm doing a lot of heavy clean and presses, and I found that the S&S warmup isn't enough because my first couple of presses feel like my joints are rusty. So after a bit of a warmup, I do a small number of clean and presses at a lighter weight, and that takes care of the rust.
@travis2014 In case of doubt, use sun salutations to warm up, a dozen will hit everything

The simplified version of that would be indian push-ups

Either way, you don't need that many pre-exercises, it's more about pacing yourself as you familiarize yourself with the weight

You start slow, double-hand work is easier so more on the warmup side, do around-the-worlds, 2 handed swings, kettlebell halos, it'll warm you right up