I think my nutrition is good but my body doesn't change much

@ksimmons4494 What are you eating? Do you have a physically demanding job? Do you have fast metabolism? The protein is probably why you're shitting so much, but other foods might be adding to it as well. 150g of protein is fine at your weight. Since you're using the bathroom so much, I have to assume you aren't fully receiving all those nutrients.

Cut your protein in half and add more fiber to your diet to slow down your bowels so you can get all the nutrients you're taking in. If you still don't notice gains, then sadly, you just need more calories.
@jomoore58 Hey OP, just in case you were still puzzled, the reason you're being downvoted is because you're actively encouraging constipation as a weight gain method as if that is a good idea (lolwut?)
@dawn16 I just said eat more meat, I didn’t say eat mostly meat. Meat has excellent proteins and it’s full of micronutrients. Don’t take your anti-meat agenda here please
@jomoore58 He’s already eating 300g of protein a day (with no indication it’s coming largely from non meat sources). Where in God’s name did you get the idea I have an “anti meat agenda”? I just think vegetables are important too. Controversial take I guess. 🤣
@jomoore58 Shitting itself isn’t the issue. His digestion is clearly compromised in some way. Shoving more meat into a broken digestive system isn’t going to fix the issue. You carnivore people are worse than vegans.
Shitting itself isn’t the issue. His digestion is clearly compromised in some way. Shoving more meat into a broken digestive system isn’t going to fix the issue. You carnivore people are worse than vegans.

Do you mean that my digestion is compromised because of my nutrition or it's just naturally fucked because I don't remember ever having any problem with my digestive system
@ksimmons4494 Adderall is going to limit your gains. You, might not have hit that limit yet. But eventually you will. On the plus side, it'll help you keep on the lean side and give you laser focus in the gym. But it will be the limiting factor in your overall hypertrophy eventually.
@ksimmons4494 You’re the opposite of being full of shit 😂

4-5 times per day is definitely not normal for a human adult.

Eat less protein. 0.8g/lb of body weight is sufficient. 1g/lb at the most (unless you just love it and have the money to spare).