I think my nutrition is good but my body doesn't change much

@ksimmons4494 I had the same problem with shitting on creatine. The problem is you’re not drinking enough water. Turbo charge your hydration and your shits should come back to normal.

Also, if you’re not gaining weight you need to eat more.
@ksimmons4494 A normal non enhanced, non athletic lazy couch human. Is still supposed to drink 2 liters a day. Enhanced meaning AAS or PEDs not saying you so any of that. But let's throw creatine into that category because it actually does demand an increase In water Intake.

Drink more water.
@ksimmons4494 My guess is you’re not sleeping enough, you’re also not consistently eating as many calories as you think you are and you’re lactose intolerant. (Not a doctor or an expert in any way just going from experience)

Bring the protein down to 200g. To get 300g I guess you’re having a lot of shakes with milk and that much lactose from the milk and whey causes a lot of people gut problems.

You didn’t mention sleep. Make sure you’re sleeping enough - 8 hours plus for most people. Rest is the most underrated aspect of the whole game.

And consistency - You mentioned your diet but are you actually doing that 7 days a week? If you think you are then you need to start accurately tracking it to see if you really are.

200g protein, calorific surplus, rest, track your calories and protein ACCURATELY FOR MONTHS
@giamfreeg Honestly, I do this 6 days a week, the other day is much less intense. And yeah I take 2 shakes with milk per day but I've never felt bad after drinking milk in my life did I just became lactose intolerant?? And for the sleep, I try to get 8h but it's usually more around 7 to 7.5h
@ksimmons4494 I don't want to be overly harsh since I'm assuming you are fairly inexperienced but these numbers are almost certainly wrong.

Getting 300g of protein is quite difficult even for someone who is fairly experienced at dieting and tracking their nutrition. Unless I plan ahead with a meal plan or only drink protein shakes all day, I get nowhere near 300g of protein, letalone a 50:50 protein to carb ratio.

If your stats are correct, your maintenance calories is around 2700 calories. With a 800 calories surplus you should very reliably see a 1-2 lb increase in bodyweight weekly.

Practical advice? Don't overcomplicate. Track your total daily calories, track protein if you want (aim for 1g/lb of bodyweight but you can get away with quite a bit less especially on a surplus). If you don't gain weight, you're tracking wrong, add more calories until you gain weight. It doesn't matter what your program is, or what your nutrition breakdown is, at the end of day if you're genuinely eating a calorie surplus, you're gaining weight (could be muscle, could be fat) but you will 100% gain weight. If your programming sucks, then this weight gain will skew more towards fat but you will still gain weight. You don't just magically shit out surplus calories, that's not how this works at all
@ksimmons4494 I would try eating less protein and more carbs (make sure you get 38g fibre per day. Fibre is worth half the calories of most carbs but important for your gut health). That will probably help with your GI issues. You're eating 1.66g protein/lb of bodyweight. More fats too if you're not within the 0.3-0.5g fat per lb of bodyweight range. But given the amount of calories you eat, you're probably already above 90g fat per day anyways (0.5g fat per lb of bodyweight).
@ksimmons4494 If you’re not gaining weight, something is not adding up. Either your calories are much lower than you’re saying, or your expenditure level is very high. Are you including cardio in your workouts? That can sometimes tip the balance and increase your caloric needs.

At this point just increase your caloric intake by like 200 calories for 2 weeks and reassess if you are still not gaining weight. Also make sure to keep all things activity level as consistent as you can. So you say you do 5-6 times a week gym, well pick one - either 5 or 6 and stick with it. Be consistent with your sets and exercises too.
@remas I'll try fixing my shitting before I eat more Hahaha but thanks for the advices, I'll calculate more precisely my nutritional intake and see what to do afterwards
@ksimmons4494 Carbs are probably fine, you didn't mention fats. Protein is excessive and will limit your ability to eat. 1 gram per lean pound. So if your 200 and pretty lean. Maybe your lean weight is 180. You eat 200ish because you want to be 200 lean.

Your about atleast 120 grams over.

Now this is debatable all day and I'm not here for that. But 200G we can all agree will suit you better than 300g. I'm honestly amazed you're even able to eat all of that. Like I'd almost think your lying or overestimating.

Anyways. Fats literally build cells. People neglect the importance of fats because they think protein is scaffolding, carbs are fuel.

Fats serve too many purposes too name. Don't neglect them. Replace lost cals from subtracting 100 gram protein with Fats.

I guarantee you'll start seeing new progress.

Also if you've been doing the same exact routine for the past 6 monthes do something totally different.

You've been high repping? Up the weight and go 5 reps.

You've been low repping. Drop the weight and do 60 reps across as few sets as possible. Slow it burns like battery acid reps.

You've been doing alot of Isolation. Run a powerlifting program for 6 monthee. Strong lifts 5x5 or 321 or some shit.

Trust me brother my butthole hurts too. I'm eating probably half the amount of protein you are.

I literally wash my asshole with soap and fluffy scrubby, and then put lotion on that thing and wash it again.

Excessive protein fucks your butt up. No home. I'm 6'3 and 260 pounds. 31 years old as of yesterday
I'm a nurse and work in a nursing home that's too fucking hot. My thighs rub where the stretchmarks are from quad growth on squats. And I sweat in my ass.

I can't eat as often as I want. So I eat excessively. Big meals and do two scoops of protein a day.

Believe me, my asshole is fuckedup.

Thats just being real. 300grams+ idk how the fuck you don't have hemorrhoids right now. Protein scoops are the worst. Eggs second worse (it's the gas)

If you're able to eat 100% protein from chicken or beef you're probably fine.

But over relying on protein scoops. Will fuck that whole area up and make you miserable.

I know that's just too much info. But this is the real shit we all know we deal with but don't talk about.

Save your butthole some pain, drop the protein.

At 300 grams your body 100% is turning atleast 1/3rd of that very inefficiently into bodyfat. It's just what it does with excessive intake.

And you should NOT be 300g unless you're running tren and over 200 pounds 6pack lean. Plus HGH and insulin.

Your body absolutely will NOT use that much without insulin and some strong anabolics.

Also a fiber supplement and probiotics/prebiotics. Will minimize asshole trauma directly related to protein powder. The pro/pre biotic can be bought on Amazon. Take 1 capsule with each shake. Or with your biggest meal.

Just some real shit here. You got some serious empathy from me with that 300g and raw butthole shit. My ass hurts doing these hammer curls replying to this just from thinking about it.