I think someone took a video of me at the gym

@jamco20 Why is it that men feel it okay to be creepy stalkers at the gym? Like...please dont stare at women at the gym like they are circus sideshows. I get some might stare because maybe they admire the work ethic, or they see us getting results that they arent--and cool; come up and ask for advice, I love giving fitness advice...but the vast majority of creepy lurkers are just creepy sad men with no social skills around women.
@jamco20 This made my night😂 “skinny dude who wears gloves is the least threading thing there is”. I wish you would’ve turned around and asked “was it at a good angle?”
@dawn16 Don’t! I always felt embarrassed wearing gloves but I much prefer to have soft hands so I’ll do it to keep them how I like my hands! Don’t let anyone make you feel stupid for your preference :)

To be fair I wish my boyfriend would have worn gloves because his callouses always rub against my hand and it sometimes hurts :(
@gigigirl16 Yikes that’s horrible. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I’m glad you stuck up for yourself though! Also - who cares what you were wearing!! You were minding your own business and they chose to harass you any way. Douche bags like that will be assholes no matter what.
@gigigirl16 I’m so glad you reported him! That is so uncomfortable on so many levels. :( I really hope that management does something about it so that this never happens again.
@gigigirl16 My god, this is so violating and I'm so sorry that it happened to you. What a fucking creep.

Something similar happened to me once only she was taking pictures of me - I immediately reported her ass to the gym and she was banned from coming back there ever again.

I'm so glad you reported it. I hope you are doing okay now and that this asshole doesn't keep you from feeling comfortable in the gym.