I think someone took a video of me at the gym


New member
I just started hip thrusts on the connected cable machines (they look like this from above +-+) when a guy motioned to me if I was using the rowing bench across from me (far enough away that it was obvious I wasn’t using it), I hardly acknowledge and shake my head no as I’m counting my reps. He hops on does some half ass reps then hops off. While doing my last set he comes back, stands at my 2 o’clock and has his friend take a picture of him flexing. His friend hands his phone back to him and it appears that he’s looking at the photo that his friend took of him; except he was looking at it for too long and his phone was at a weird angle. It made me feel VERY uncomfortable and I feel like he was videoing me and he left as soon as I finished my set.
Immediately after I racked my weights and left. I came home and told my husband and he encouraged me to call and tell the gym about the incident. I did and they took a description, said they were going to inform the manager and encouraged me that if anyone ever makes me feel uncomfortable again to let them know, that I could pull one of them aside. I am happy with what they’ve told me so far, we’ll see if anything is done about it.
To clarify, I wasn’t asking for it; I was wearing my normal leggings and T-shirt (though I can wear whatever the hell I want and won’t be asking for it unless I literally ask for it), headphones and never made eye contact or engaged.
I guess this is a kind of PSA: don’t let someone make you uncomfortable and keep you from getting your fitness on. Tell management ASAP.
If anyone has had this happen please share how you dealt with it or if anyone has advice on how to deal with this in the future I’m happy to hear it.

Thank all of you for the kind words. I am so sorry that similar incidents have happened to many of you also. This isn’t going to stop me from working out but I will be more aware while I’m there and report on the spot and try to call out people when what they’re doing is blatantly obvious. Why do men (and people in general) have to be creepy and gross?!?! 😖
@gigigirl16 If I saw him again, I'd look right in his eyes, give him this creepy smile, and then do some really angry pelvic thrusts and say through clenched teeth, "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Did ya GET that!?"

Make him feel REEEEAL uncomfortable. Maybe he'll steer clear from then on.
@gigigirl16 It's a shitty situation but next time you just have to confront them and ask them to stop recording you. They might be recording you or doing something else. I coach some friends here and there so I record my friends workout forms to correct posture issues. sometimes people think i am recording them but in reality i don't give a shit.
@gigigirl16 I have a similar story: I'm a man, and was once accused of taking videos of a female at the gym. I had bluetooth headphones I was using to listen to music. Gym did not have wifi, (one of it's many shortcomings) so I had placed my phone on top of a rarely used machine near the front window so I could get good cell service. The phone was standing up, and for the most part, the screen stayed off. I was within 20-30 feet at all times. After I went to change the station once, a woman on a treadmill started eyeing me suspiciously. Whatever, I go back to my workout...

Not 30 seconds later, my music stops. I rack my weight, turn around, and look towards my phone. It's GONE. Fuck... I go running to the front window, and see Miss Busybody at the front desk.

Me :"Did someone grab the phone that was sitting here?"

"This phone?" the woman working the front desk says...

Me: "Why did you take my phone? You saw me using it..."

Front desk woman: "Sir, were you recording video with this?"

Me: "WHAT?!?! NO! I sit it there to get better cell service! Give me my phone!"

FDW has my phone in her hand, and has backed up to the wall so I can't reach her or the phone over the desk. My security setting are 110%, everytime the screen goes off it has the be unlocked again, no info on lock screen, ect.

FDW: This lady says you were recording her, what is your password so I can see if you were recording video?

Me: Oh you both can fuck right off... I grab the desk phone and pull it to me, pick up the handset and dial the police non emergency number.

Miss BB: Were you recording me?

Me: I already fucking told you what I was doing, we'll let the police sort it out since you two think every man is a goddamn creep.

Once I start talking to the police sargent on the phone, (who I personally know) FDW attitude changes, she puts my phone down on the counter in front of me. I tell sarge I've got my phone back now and nevermind...

FDW: If you're not going to prove you weren't recording, you need to leave now. You've got your phone back.

I'm pissed, but I know better than to make a scene, so I told them to "have a great day" as sarcastically as I could, and grabbed my gym bag and left.

Two days later, I go back to workout again. Owner guy is working front desk. I try to scan in, but my the scanner makes a buzzer sound instead of the regular "ding", owner guy tells me my membership is cancelled and I need to leave.

Me: Why? Because that lady stole my phone?!?

Owner: FDW told me what happened, its probably best if you just aren't a member here anymore.

Me: So another member takes my phone, accuses me of something I didn't do, your employee tries to search my phone with NO EVIDENCE and I'm getting kicked out?!?!

Owner: I can't have people recording customers...

I cut him off- "I told FDW my phone was where it was because I needed better cell service by the window because you're too cheap to put in wifi!

Owner: She said you admitted recording that woman.

Me: WHAT THE FUCK? Is she here? I want her to say to my face that I admitted that.

Owner: You didn't then?

So at this point I dont even want to come back to this gym. I had about four months left on a year membership (prepaid) and I demanded my money back since I'm getting kicked out. I got a refund for half my yearly dues, owner guy said he didn't have to give me anything since I "might have broken the code of conduct and therefore the contract", but "I'll do it since we can't prove anything."

What a nice fucking guy he is...

That place closed two years later, I used my refund to buy some free weights and started working out in my garage.

Goddamn I still get so mad thinking about this...
@gigigirl16 Maybe they will stop when the people they are harassing stand up for themselves in the moment and make their discomfort vocally obvious. That was a safe enough place to say something immediately. Unpopular opinion. Don’t care. Change my mind. Stop complaining after the fact expecting some internet warrior to make things right when you couldn’t even speak up for yourself.
@gigigirl16 So inappropriate! I’m sorry they did that and even gave you reason to feel uncomfortable and glad the gym seems to have your back.

I see a lot of people taking selfies in mirrors and I think the onus needs to be on those people to make sure no one else is in the frame. It’s so common, maybe gyms should designate a special selfie area.

Honestly, if they were just interested in filming their “gainz “, they should have no problem if someone asks them to move so you’re out of the frame.
@gigigirl16 Wow. I'm really sorry you had to experience this. That sounds so painful and awful. What gross souls...

THANK YOU for the encouragement and the reminder. It's one of those things that yeah, we know it, but it bears repeating semi-regularly. I definitely needed to hear it again, anyway.

Best wishes for the rest of your fitness journey. I'm glad you're not letting this stop you.
@gigigirl16 Key word here is THINK. He could’ve simply been putting the picture on social media. I’m not saying there aren’t people who do creepy stuff like this, but that doesn’t mean everyone is doing it.
@gigigirl16 IMO we dont really know if the guy did or didnt try taking pictures/videos of you. People get caught in the background of videos/pictures all the time. If you feel this way often, it's possible it could be in your head.
@gigigirl16 Sympathy. You're not alone. I once was doing intervals on a stair mill and I saw a flash of light. Glanced over and a creepy guy was taking pictures of me - the flash on his phone had gone off. It was really annoying: when I'm in the "zone" I don't want to have to worry about things like that. This was 10 years ago in Dubai, where women in leggings exercising wasn't as "normal" as I think it is now.

It's made me sensitive to phones in general. It honestly bothers me when anyone has a phone out in a locker room now.
@gigigirl16 Having had a colleague secretly video and photograph women in the toilets at work, and have the company attempt to brush it under the carpet with "you're on cctv all the time, is this any different?", this angers me. At least the gym are taking it seriously. When I gave evidence in court against the colleague, he was charged with a non contact sexual assault and got almost a year in prison.
@gigigirl16 I’ve had this happen to me before (unfortunately). An older guy was following me around the gym and trying to hit on me even though I kept saying I was not interested. He left me alone for a bit, and then as I was stretching out, I felt like I was being watched. He was standing further away pointing his phone at me. You did the right thing by approaching the gym management. It’s tough to get the police involved, but the least your gym can do is ban him.
@gigigirl16 I should write a book... I won’t get get into specific stories but both at the gym and work I have been confronted with disturbing and disgusting situations too. My husband suggested I say to my coworker glibly, “#metoo Bob. Don’t be creepy.” In all honesty I haven’t had the guts to say yet it but if he ever does it again I will!! I tried the whole assertively polite thing... worked pretty well.