I think someone took a video of me at the gym

@gigigirl16 I get what you're saying, but maybe they were literally just getting a picture of the guy flexing or whatever and checking out the picture on the phone and you're making yourself uncomfortable entirely on your own?
@x_crusader_x Jesus, if you're going to imply that it's all in her head, at least have the balls to say it outright.

Also, I doubt this is all in her head. Creepshots as a subreddit may have disappeared, but the concept hasn't.
@x_crusader_x That and she said he was looking at it too long. The kind of narcissist who takes gym flexing pictures is exactly the type of person to stare at a picture for too long. I'm guilty of it. Not saying he was taking a video, but it's just as likely that he wasn't.
@x_crusader_x This exactly. There’s no hard evidence and I sure OP has taken pictures before with other people in the background. Are we all supposed to feel uncomfortable knowing we are in the background of probably hundreds of not thousands of other people’s photos.
@wawahwario Every gym I've gone to has rules against filming or photographing inside their facility. Even in your assumption of innocence, he's breaking a rule that was put there to keep other members comfortable.
@gigigirl16 I have tried being filmed at the gym before. It was so obvious, when he realized I was aware he turned the camera into the mirror and I could see he was videotaping.

So I went over to him and I was like: "did you just film me?" and asked him to delete it.

He denied doing it, but by the look on his face, I could tell he was super embarrassed.

Trust your gut. Do something. The worst that can happen is getting a confirmation he didnt tape you.
@gigigirl16 Noticed a fellow lady do that to me. I think she was snapchatting her friends about me in a bad way :( I don’t even know her and had zero interaction.
Just noticed her angling her camera weirdly as she was laying down.. but obviously it was angled to me as I was standing. Made me feel like shit but I didn’t dare to say anything.
She looked intimidating
@gigigirl16 I had a woman do something similar last year at the gym. I was doing arm things and I kept glancing over and saw a phone on me. I didn’t think much of it until I walked across the gym and the camera followed me. Then I walked back again and it followed me.

I ended up talking to the front desk people, but I regret not confronting her. (I assume she was snapping me because I was wearing an old t shirt and leggings and nothing matched. She was all dolled up)
@gigigirl16 A neighbor volunteers to teach aerobic classes at a local church, and I got hugely discouraged when another neighbor who went did a Facebook live during it. Who wants the world to see their boobs bouncing to music?!?!? I confronted her, and her reply was ‘Why do you feel that way?’ I’ve never been back.

I hope it doesn’t happen again for you.
@shaggyman I think people should be told and able to consent if they are being filmed especially if something is being broadcast on the internet. That’s why I feel that way Tammy!!!
@gigigirl16 One of the last times I went to a gym some older guy, maybe 45ish, was on the machine kitty corner to me, staring at me. And rubbing his crotch. I dont go much anymore :[ I've had guys follow me to my car in the dark. I'm seriously the frumpiest looking girl at the gym I dont understand these dudes.
@w3land Yes, this. I had a stalker shortly after my husband died - I was a hot mess, obviously, in every way. Dressed in black, didn't bother to have my hair cut or put makeup on. Hey, I was barely able to shower every morning. You get the idea. He told me that I couldn't do any better than him. He said "Look at yourself. You can't afford to turn me down."

I LOLed. When he wouldn't let go and went full stalker, I told him he wouldn't be the first guy I bury in a forest. Which is true because my husband's urn was, in fact, buried at a forest cemetery and I had to shovel the dirt back into the grave. I must have been convincing, I never saw that guy again.