I think someone took a video of me at the gym

@gigigirl16 I’ve been there. I was stretching and these guys started making comments. Saying things like “look how flexible she is”. I ended up just leaving. But I wish I had turned around and said loudly “can you not just let me work out” or something to embarrass them. But it sucks. Your situation Sucks too. I’m sorry it ruins the whole trip. But I want to stand up to people like that next time.
@dawn16 I definitely will if I see these guys again since I called and wasn’t able to directly point them out. I have never seen this guy before so hopefully he won’t be back and it was a 1 time occurrence.
If I do see him again I might just punch him in the face though 😝 (I’m not violent but wish I stood up for myself more sometimes)
@gigigirl16 Yes I had a guy video me while doing cleans. I saw him in the mirror behind me. My boyfriend saw him at the same time and bee-lined over to stand behind me. I am a strong ass girl but I was tired and this wasn’t the first time so I actually started to cry lol. Then my boyfriend and I told management and they confronted him. The perp said he was “FaceTiming” which was BS.

You did the correct thing. It’s hard and could potentially be dangerous to directly confront someone, reporting to an employee seems to be the best route.
@gigigirl16 This is so infuriating to me. I know I shouldn’t let it, but incidents like these reinforce my gym anxiety, and only wanting to do certain exercises at home. I don’t know how ppl can think that’s ok behavior?? Sorry OP. I hope this doesn’t discourage you too much. As asshole-ish as this is, I do think people who think it’s ok to film other ppl are in the minority.
@gigigirl16 Just wanted to say there is no scenario where you go to the gym and “ ask for this” if you don’t actually verbally ask for it. That’s disgusting behavior by whoever filmed you. Don’t blame yourself.
@dawn16 Exactly, I strongly believe anyone can dress however the hell they want and shouldn’t be judged, blamed, criticized etc. I don’t blame myself. It was some weird asshat who invaded my space. My issue comes from not knowing whether to confront them directly, tell management (which I did) or ignore the situation all together.
@gigigirl16 So, my gym used to have a policy that no photos or videos were ever allowed. Period. This made me happy.

One day I come in and someone actually had a tripod set up to film themselves. Asked management and they said times have changed, Instagram and vlogging and all.

I know some people benefit from it, like form checks. I just think privacy concerns are more important.
@gigigirl16 I saw a sign in a locker room in our state last week that said, “it is illegal to use a cell phone with a camera in this locker room” and listed the state law below. Likewise, not only is it poor gym etiquette and creepy AF, using a camera of any kind to film anybody without there permission (and it ain’t a riot) is completely unacceptable and I commend you for reporting this.
@gigigirl16 clarify, I wasn’t asking for it;

You're not asking for it unless you walk up to them, hand your phone/ camera to them and ask if they wouldn't mind filming you. You could workout in a ballgown or your birthday suit and you're still never asking for it.
@gigigirl16 thats happened to me at my old college gym. i was deadlifting in a corner and this dudebro is taking “selfies” except the camera was angled right at me and he was expressionless the whole time. reported it, forgot what the verdict was but i remember not seeing him there again for a WHILE.