I want to start going to the gym

@foreverrevealtruth I was in the same boat!

I started out at crunch fitness, tried walking/running to lose weight, saw little progress. (This was on and off for about a year)

I remembered planet fitness and their 30 minute circuit workout room existed recently, and I switched gyms.
I LOVE it there and it’s so easy to get both your cardio and weights in. I’m already seeing progress after 2 weeks!! And it’s a lot cheaper lol.
@foreverrevealtruth I started going in November. Sign up and let them know you need someone to show you the ropes, get your started on a program. I joined the Y they offer "free" / included with your membership group classes, so that's how I learn - once I get a bit more together I am going to request personal training sessions. I am not there yet. I am sure other facilities make the same type of offerings as well.

I look forward to going every single night. Love it!
@foreverrevealtruth Was in a similar situation at around the same age. Started going to the gym a few years ago and love it now! Don't be afraid to go - I told myself it was time for just me and to work on myself, giving me an hour of "me time" each day. There are a lot of friendly people who really don't care to judge you and are there trying for their own personal bests. I'd recommend trying a few different places out (mist offer trials) so you can find a place that's comfortable for you.

You'll be very glad you did it for yourself
@foreverrevealtruth Hi! I was literally you! I’m a year in and my god I feel fucking great.
Go to Walmart, they have muscle supplements called CLEAR MUSCLE , get that, take one in morning, one at lunch and one at night, next find a few dumbbells and resistance bands. Start experimenting how your body (mainly arms) will react with doing exercises, start slow, 4 reps of 15. , then go up from there 5 reps of 20, and so on. Give yourself 1 rest day a week. Be CONSISTENT!!! no matter what, get home from work and stretch and work on your arms and chest. Once you conquer those you will conquer the rest.
@foreverrevealtruth If you diet without exercise what muscles you have are targeted first as easy accessible energy so gym is good idea.
I'm a driver so seated all day. I found just toning on resistance machines to remind the body it needs those muscles so it doesn't use them as primary energy store and uses the fat instead. No need for spotters as they only work one group of muscles at a time.
A good gym will have a circuit that works all the muscle groups in turn aim for 3 visits a week 2 circuits per visit. As you're doing whole body each visit if you have to miss a day it's no big deal if you're short on time on a visit one circuit is ok.
First visit with a trainer (a good gym will insist on this)sets your seating start and stop positions for each machine, next couple you establish your toning load start light work up to a load that let's you do 12 repetitions but struggle for a 13th This is possibly not current opinion but it works for me.
This is not a cardio plan that's seperate although I include 10 minutes on a rower as it also works most of the body as warm up and cool off

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