When are we actually going to start talking fitness?

@jonathanxr Whaaaaaaaaa? I totally thought this was r/veganselfies
Where else am I going to see hundreds of people posting the same flex mirror selfies proving they don’t need animal protein to look good, whereeeeeeee /s

Edit: it’s a real sub, how about that
@flapjack83 Yeah just coming off wrong. Just trying to dispel the person painting me as a cranky redditor to get laughs when I just want a useful source for people. I did my first “cut” WFPB and it was spectacular. I just enjoy some variety and fun sauces. Ya dig?
@jonathanxr I think maybe you're confused in thinking that WFPB is a temporary thing vs. something one is committed to for health, longevity, sustainability, and other reasons. I mean, not everyone who is WFPB is perfect 100% of the time, but it's not some diet we go on & off of for an aesthetically pleasing result. (Speaking for myself, at least.)

Who said "fun sauces" can't be WFPB and where did you get the idea that there was no variety in being WFPB?
@tammyp Yeah just a misunderstanding again, and judging how people who follow the diet are, how I eat would not be considered that. I use protein powders and bars
@jonathanxr Hey - I actually got confused and thought I was on the WFPB subreddit, so... never mind ;) ...On a different note, I wouldn't mind if more people shared their exercise routines along with posting photos of their fit selves...
@jonathanxr I agree. I’ve been vegan for over 3 years but got serious about fitness in the last year. I’d love to hear more about the fine tuning required in diet to get the most benefit. I don’t need recipes but more accurate discussions on macros would be great. There’s a lady on here who posts her pull up progression and innovative workout videos that I enjoy seeing too.
@jonathanxr Have you checked out r/veganbodybuilding - personally, I’ve always felt like this was a sub more for cheering on anyone at any point of their vegan fitness journey while that sub is more specific to the deeper cuts of fitness like macros and routines. Hope you find what you’re looking for!
@jonathanxr Gonna go against the grain here and say that I think people posting their successful fitness results with commentary on how long they have been vegan is (1) motivating for people like me who aren't where they want to be yet and (2) excellent marketing for people who are not yet vegan because they are concerned about how it will impact their fitness levels.

Does that mean we don't also have room for more discussion around other fitness-related topics like meal planning and all that? Absolutely not. But to just shit on all the other content people post is too harsh.

And your take on powerlifters being overweight and therefore not having a place for them on this sub is garbage. In my book, fitness is a broad category and feats of strength absolutely require a degree if fitness. Not everyone needs to be lean to be into fitness.
@johnab How do I tack my response so people can stop making the point about powerlifters. I never directly called out powerlifters, I’m into strength sports myself. However if you’re 250 pounds for the sake of being a “powerlifter” it’s not really a vegan feat on strength. I’d say the same thing if an individual was overeating to get “big arms” It’s the main problem I have with starting strength, you can’t just eat your way through plateaus, there’s other factors too it. I also never said you have to be lean, I probably float around 18-20% body fat, which is perfectly fine 25-30% is not. I feel the goal here should be to help people achieve their fitness goals and be fit in whatever way they want, but to be healthy doing so. Yes I’m gonna say it, the General consensus is that health is a part of fitness.
I also never said you have to be lean, I probably float around 18-20% body fat, which is perfectly fine 25-30% is not.

Well I'm about 12-15% and I think 18-20% is not fine. I'm the new standard of post police and you have to fit my definition or I'll make a post about you./s

Seriously though, I don't get the point of your post. Everyone in the comments is asking for something different. You want less powerlifting by fatties, yet that's what I come here for. You want people to be lean, others don't care. You don't want to see high protein meal pics, some do. Some are saying they want more posts with basic training routines, whereas others don't. You catching my flow?

This is a general fitness sub, so it's a clusterfuck of all sorts of posts and only a handful will be suitable for you. I don't get the point of criticising people for wanting posts that that aren't the ones YOU want. If people upvote the pictures of fit people, then that's what they want. If you use the search bar you can find whatever it is that you want to see, and realise that it is actually being posted, but it's just not blowing up because clearly that's not what everyone else wants.

Rather than just criticise, I think you should do an update post with some suggestions on how to change the sub so that it's more suitable for whatever purpose you deem worthy. (And I don't mean this in a rude way, I'll support you if you have some suggestions)

Edit: maybe adding post flares could help? To make it easier to flick through whatever it is that you want to see?
@jonathanxr I'd like that. I posted once because I am documenting the beginning of my journey as a new triathlete. I got good advice on my particular post, but most of what I see posted doesn't pertain to me. I'm not trying to bulk up or get ripped. I'm try to run lean, and up my endurance and agility.

Body sculpting is great, and it's hardwork. But, there are, like, other sports...
@mathewbailey08 Lol I saw you replied to me but it got deleted!

In terms of getting more varied content on here, I don’t have any suggestions, but I think removing all the useless posts so people feel like they can come here to learn would be a good start
@bluesky68 I deleted it. I meant to reply to someone else. But, yeah... We "little guys" (lighter guys? leaner guys?) can feel a little left out.

Don't get me wrong, I am proud of all you strong vegans, and you can definitely be heavier and participate in endurance sports.

But, the goal for endurance training is different. So, the training schedule or meal plan posted for strength training, or body fat reduction, isn't useful for us, at all. If anything, we need more fat and carbs (on top of the protein). And, weights are beneficial for us, for sure. But, not the focus of our training.

Also, I wouldn't want my progress pics scrutinized under the same standards as a body builder. I'd look pretty puny, in that comparison, but my build is exactly on track to achieve the fitness goal that I have.

And, on subs like r/running, we're going to have to deal with omnis. So, it'd be neat if we had some space here, too.
@mathewbailey08 Totally. I’d also say training and nutrition for more traditional sports has a lot more scientific research available than strength and hypertrophy so it would be awesome to see people able to discuss that here! Just not my area of expertise, go tell all your friends to sub haha
@mathewbailey08 I definitely like hearing about people's non lifting fitness. Even though I don't really run anymore, though I do bike and sometimes swim, I mostly lift. But I'm inspired but anyone's success in whatever difficult thing they pursue.
@jonathanxr A big hurdle would be that a lot of that content will probably have more conversation/reception on the general fitness sub. The only difference between us and them is what we eat. If I was curious about something with training I would probably ask over there just because there is a bigger crowd there.
@somerton Good point, but I think it’s nice to bounce it off people who have similar views. If you release the same question into a general sub you may have a bunch of people posting discouraging things. I’d love for us to become a support system. Although I totally understand what you’re saying