When are we actually going to start talking fitness?

@jonathanxr I joined this sub not long ago, and honestly it's not really earth shattering. Generally people new to veganism asking for tips on what to eat (which really should just be a pinned post and that's that done) and people showing off their sweet ripped bods after going vegan and starting going to the gym (which is basically instagram).

Maybe the reason it's not doing much for you or I is that it's not actually that revolutionary to be in to fitness and be vegan. Once you're past the basics it's not witchcraft, and I get a lot more out of the main vegan, cycling and powerlifting subreddits - not sure there's actually a need for this one!
@atinob Response to a deleted comment

I didn’t say I was qualified, nor would I say my Q&A would be flawless. I really don’t think a majority of the Q&As written on Reddit are written by people who are “qualified”. Being physically fit is not very subjective, I’m saying if you are overweight though, chances are you are not physically fit. I’m into strength sports as I’ve said before, I love powerlifting, but I’m sorry Ray Williams is far from healthy. He is certain “fit” or upholds the fitness standard for his weight class in his sport, but we know and even omnis agree that is not a healthy weight.

The Q&A would be things such as
-vegan lifting gear
-vegan supplements and protein powders
-apps to track macros and figure out your macros
-links to sample bulking meals
-links to sample cutting meals
-links to websites that show you how to periodize training based on your goals

I’m not saying “I want to write programs for people” I’m saying I want to give people resources to become fit
@jonathanxr Yes because Ray walks around at 250kg for aesthetic and health reasons, not so he can squat half a tonne. Why don't we also compare bodybuilders and boxers in their fighting skills, and sprinters with marathon runners on who can run for longer.

Let me just tell Ray Williams he doesn't belong in a fitness sub because @jonathanxr deemed it so!
@atinob I would love too! Although I have no idea how to go about contacting the mods of the subreddit as I don’t think they’re super active on reddit anyways.
@jonathanxr I feel like all the food posts get a little old. I get it’s part of fitness but I would like more actual fitness/exercise discussion rather than just the 10th picture of “My high protein meal”.
@jonathanxr “Here’s my high protein meal! 50g of protein using (insert tempeh, soy curls, TVP, lentils or quinoa).” That could literally describe probably 7/10 food posts.
@jos36 Yeah I get you, but if they do something unique like make it affordable,more palatable, fun fancy spin I’m for it. I think it also beats repeating that you do need protein to build muscle, just not from our sentient friends :)
@jonathanxr So fitness is what you determine fitness to be? If I eat mock meats and my blood results are perfect, my blood pressure is 120/70, and my heart rate is 42bpm, you're gonna say I'm not fit because I can't run a marathon and don't eat a whole foods plant based diet?
@jonathanxr Thanks so much. I’m looking for an easy to follow fitness and diet plan. I used to a runner but got injured and haven’t worked out in forever. Finally done with PT and excited to get back to working out.
@jobar How long did you leave it up? When did you post it? It's possible that just due to the nature of Reddit the post didn't make it front of someone who knew how to help you by the time you took it down, especially if it was a really specific question.