GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?

@dawn16 I'm obviously not OP but I too was stagnant at (155)lbs for squatting and I ran texas method to get to 225. It took more than 6 months probably, I dont remember, but less than a year.

The key things I learned was that my squat form was wrong. I wasnt bracing, i wasnt creating a shelf for the bar.
The second reason why I had been plateauing was because my diet was too low in protein and I wasnt getting enough sleep.

And the 3rd reason was that strong lifts, the program I had been running for a year didnt fit me as an intermediate anymore. I ran texas method but I think there are better programs out there. Good luck!
@dawn16 The first year I did stronglifts 3x a week and then yoga 1x and sometimes a cardio day and a pilates day depending how I felt. But always the weights part.

After I got to a year I felt like I had taken that program as far as it could go and I switched to a Juggernaut program that the powerlifters at my gym use. It is a 4 weeks block cycle for either hypertrophy or strength. And it's two squat days, two bench days and a deadlift day a week. Then abs/recovery/cardio the two other days. You kind of access how you feel and decide from there.
I love the juggernaut program!!!
@mr_thompson Thank you!

I off and on counted calories with mfp. Before I had started lifting weights I was counting calories pretty strict and had post about 15lbs in 6ish months.

I never ate clean because I find that too restrictive. I like pizza and I eat lots of it but I also love veggies and don't eat red meat or fast food ofteb Once I started lifting I made sure to focus on getting as close to 1g protien /lb of bodyweight. I have gotten pretty good at eyeballing portions so I only now count when I want to loose some weight and I only do that for a couple weeks then I maintain and then count again to lose more because otherwise I just feel burnt out.

I don't do a bunch of cardio. It's not my favorite. I will run occasionally just so I make sure I can run from danger if I need to and sometimes I do the elliptical or stair stepper if I'm bored. The first year of lifting I only lifted 3x a week and the. Did something else a couple times a week like pilates, yoga ect. Then I year in I switched to a powerlifting program and that is 5x a week and cardio once or sometimes twice a week.
I usually get 10-20k steps a day just because I have a dog and child and fairly active job.
@brian1234 Being full certainly makes it easier to lose weight. I started trying out keto a month ago because a friend really saw benefit from it. I can't say it's changed my life, but it sure is easy to eat less calories when fat and protein are keeping for full all day.

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