GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?

@andy1993 Started a while back but kept falling off for a long time. 5'7, 140lbs;
When I started I could only squat the bar x 10, didnt deadlift, and could maybe bench 40lbs.
Recently got back into a few weeks back and I'm at a 135lb squat (my first plate!) 70lb deadlift and my bench is still weak at 50lbs but I hadn't given it much focus until lately. Will update as I get better 💪
@andy1993 I'm currently right around 7 months into lifting regularly. 5'3" and I tend to flex between 140-145 lbs. Currently on a cut to get down around 130ish now that I've built some muscle.

Starting 65S/95D/45B all for 5×5.

Now 135Sx1/175×1/90B×1 for 1RM. For regular sessions, I try to lift to 85% of my max for 5×5 then go up if I'm not dead yet. Every month I do a test day to test where my 1RM is.

I also do assistance, conditioning, and antagonist work 4x/wk. Seeing big bounds conditioning wise.

I'm 1 month into 4Horsemen if that makes a difference.
@andy1993 5’9” and currently 151. I’m pretty long/slender aside from my post-baby lower tummy. I’ve stayed somewhere between 144-155 the last two years, but did not do a good job of keeping track at the shorter intervals. So over 2 years (which is about where I happen to be now):

Bench: 90 -> 165
Squat: 95 -> 175 (embarrassing. I am terrible at squats/legs)
Deadlift: 135 -> 370
Pullups: 1 -> 19 (or 3 x 1 -> 5 x 10)
@andy1993 Height 5'8"

Weight has been between 165-185 lbs in the past two years. Currently 170.

I first picked up a weight in May 2016 and started every lift with 20 lbs LOL. I hardly ever test my one rep maxes, so these are all different numbers of reps. I've actually recorded every workout I've ever done, so these are exact numbers!

3 months in, August 2016

Squat: 95x6, Bench: 60x6, Deadlift: 95x8

6 months in, November 2016

Squat: 120x8, Bench: 70x8, Deadlift: 135x8

1 year in, May 2017

Squat: 175x4, Bench: 95x5, Deadlift: 185x5

2 years in, May 2018

Squat: 210x4, Bench: 110x6, Deadlift: 230x4

Pretty much everything I knew was self-taught until this summer when I hired a coach. I've made the most progress since then, and I lifted 231 for squat, 126 for bench, and 248 for deadlift at my first powerlifting meet last month. :) I think my current numbers are already quite a bit higher than that but I haven't done any sets below 10 reps since the meet so I can't really compare yet.

Edited to remove my pointless self-deprecating commentary.
@vitaliy711 Thanks girl - I’ve come a long way!

You got this!! Everyone goes at their own pace (a message I need to remind myself of sometimes!). I’ll be over here cheering for you. :)
@andy1993 Wow, I feel like a real newbie looking at these numbers.

5'8", 145# and 37yo. After almost 1.5 yrs of working out, kinda following Strong Curves, I squat 105# (3x8 - could probably squat more but I'm still focusing on my form atm), bench press barely 50# (3x8) and deadlift 95# (3x8).

I didn't squat for the longest time (knee problem, now resolved), could barely bench press 30# and deadlift 45#
@mtol117 My knee cap is naturally slightly tilted so I had a lot of inflammation of the cartilage. My physical therapist showed me how to tape it (as an alternative to bracing) and encourage me to build up the leg muscle (hamstrings and quads) to support and readjust the knee cap position.

Since squats were painful, I did a lot of loaded step-ups, lunges to work on my quads. After a year, I frequently forget to tape my knee (because it rarely hurts now) though there are some workouts I avoid or can be very uncomfortable, like skater squats or split squats.
@mtol117 Not the person you're replying to, but my problem is also outer (left) knee, it flares up whenever I start going to the gym after a long break or when I don't warm up properly. I notice the more I engage my quads, hams, and erectors, the less likely I'll feel my knee at all. Just pointing this out because personally, IDK about you, glute strength seems like something I can only build by accident, whereas quads etc are really easy to create a mind-body connection with.
@andy1993 5’7” 148lbs

3months: weight 155lbs

squat 95lbs
bench 70lbs,
overhead press 45lbs
Deadlift 145lbs

6months: weight 150-158

Squat: 135lbs
Overhead press: 65lbs
Deadlift: 195lbs

All for 5 reps, usually 3 sets.

Just recently, all stats stayed the same but I did a deadlift set at 235lbs for 3 reps on my last day of my lifting gym.

I’m still lifting but more to maintain. I’m in the middle of a cut using intermittent fasting. I can still lift my max.
@andy1993 "but mostly men answered" lol that just makes me laugh because it's Reddit in a nutshell. "Not a woman but I'm sure you really want my manly man opinion on the matter!"