if you had 4-5 hours a week to spend in the gym over 4 sessions, what would you do?

@mvelis15 I’m assuming you already have this habit, but I realized I spent a ton of time on my phone in between sets. So I made it a point to not pick up my phone at all, even to change a song, it cut 10-15 minutes off my hour or so workout.
@ampersand I use an app to help track my workouts, but it also has a rest timer. So as soon as I finish a set I enter my data and it starts a timer. 2 min for more compound lifts, 1-1:30 for isolation work.
@mvelis15 That’s good then! I think what helped me also cut down my workout is having it be fluent where if a machine is taking I already know alright I’ll skip that now and do this. I think having a solid plan helped cut down time as well.
@mvelis15 I’m doing the exact same thing as you and it’s working for me.

Ope edit:
Didn’t see 3-4 exercises.
Yeah I’d say cool down is unnecessary. I usually only warm up on big compound movements. Start with the bar, then add weight and do reps to work up to my working weight. Today I cut some of the increments I usually do to speed it up. Also try super setting where it makes sense. And myo reps is a good way to quickly go through a set - work great with isolation things like tricep, biceps, delts, etc.
@mvelis15 Sounds like you’re doing better than 98% of people out there, but you didn’t mention your goals. Impossible to make suggestions without you defining your goals.

For example, I’m a new dad with insomnia, so my goals are to look good naked but also to hit the 1100 pound club. So I do a 3 day per week squat/dead/OHP/Bench 5/3/1 schedule, with more bodybuilding style accessory work.

Is your goal strength? Size? To look like a fitness model? General health? Endurance? Flexibility?

There will be some overlap in all of the above, but we will need more info
@mvelis15 Hard to give you any specific advice without your goals. What I would do with 4-5 hours in the gym each week would change greatly depending on what I am striving for.
@mvelis15 I've started doing 45-minute bootcamp/hiit classes for this reason. It might not get the results of some other approaches but at this time in my life there is just no way I can do 8 hours a week or whatever. At least for the moment it will help me work towards some strength and fitness, and one day when I have more time I'm not starting from scratch.
@dawn16 I go to a gym I'm afraid, having to sign up in advance also really helps me make sure I actually go, and I find it too hard to work out at home with a small child there. I was always intimidated but I've found a small gym run by women with lots of small group classes.
@mvelis15 4 sessions probably full body workout. Or doing a upper body and lower body split. But 4 hours or so just doesn't seem like enough time. For that unless you just stick to a few compound exercises.
@mvelis15 Jeff Nippard has some great 4 day programs. I lift 4 days per week. Married with 3 kids. UPS OTR Truck Driver and get my 4 days in. I typically do a U/L split but I do change it up when I get bored. I’d check out Jeff Nippards 4 day U/L and his 4 day full body high frequency training
@mvelis15 I’d do two, two hour sessions.

Short rest between sets high volume

Upper/lower split

Upper day would focus bench and accessories
Lower would be squat and deadlift with accessories

Arms can be done at home with bands and some medium weights you don’t need a ton of weight to grow your arms
@mvelis15 This is me. I do squats every day, and fill out my time with two push sessions and two pull sessions. My results have been very good over the past couple years. If you get this far in responses and care to discuss further, let me know. Happy to talk through.

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