Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

@jacksoncris So much good advice here already, so I'm just going to add a small note: I've been drinking a serving of protein drink (usually whey) immediately post workout almost religiously.
It helps with my ravenous hunger and staves of the worst hunger pangs until I can make a nutricious and satisfying meal. Otherwise I used to grab whatever was available because monstrously hungry - must eat now.
Secondly, it helps with general protein intake. As a vegetarian I'm really struggling to get in the recommended amount of protein, as tracking my macros has shown.
Hope that helps!
@jacksoncris Do you do cardio? If you do a lot of cardio on top of lifting then 2500 isn't that much. Also, if you eat lots of protein I don't see it as a problem as you will gain more muscle than fat.
@jacksoncris 5'1, 45kg. I went from eating maybe ~1500 to well over 2000 a day. I literally could not eat enough when I started lifting last month. My appetite has calmed down a bit now but I'm still hungry and aim for at least 2000 calories a day (although I've had issues on rest days physically eating enough for that).

I made dinner last night, ate it, and it hasn't even taken the hunger edge off. I had to make a new meal all over again!
@abulohe Hi, super late reply, but I'm new to this. Do you mind my asking if your appetite was a result of lifting? I'm 5'3" and weigh more than you and I started a proper weight-training regimen 2 weeks ago (before that it was just light free weights) and I still can not for the life of me even get to 1500 per day. I'm still at a deficit and was trying to inch my way up to maintenance but I just can't eat enough food. I'm hitting my macros and always full. I find that sometimes I have to force feed myself to even get above 1200. Last night I was at 930 at 10pm so I made a giant pot of jambalaya (chicken, shrimp, high-protein plant-based sausage, wanted to get as much protein in as possible) and I had a small bowl, just so I wasn't under-eating while lifting 4x per week.

I'm waiting on some protein powder in the mail so I'm sure a protein smoothie could bump up those numbers. But I'm honestly just surprised that my body isn't naturally hungrier from all the lifting/cardio. I'm wondering if maybe it'll just take some more time to get there since I've been used to being in a deficit.

Anyway, thanks in advance!
@andrusjarv Hey! So I had some increased appetite from the lifting, but otherwise I had to force myself to eat as well in order to meet and then go above maintenance calories! This took a weeks of feeling full and forcing myself to eat more, which was a lot of discomfort at mealtimes, but eventually I "expanded" the stomach to accommodate the extra food and now I don't have issue. Protein powders are great for liquid calories. You can also eat flapjacks and nuts for a high calorie small snack - these are my go to!
@abulohe Ok, so it's normal! At first I was like, yay! More food! But then I didn't think I'd find it so difficult. I assume my stomach has shrunken quite a bit.

Nuts are my go-to! I eat a lot of nuts and fruit (they make up most of my fat/carbs macros, respectively). Yesterday I had a snack of two hardboiled eggs, a serving of pistachios and an apple around 5pm and that was what did me in. I was so full and I felt like crap for hours. I even postponed my weightlifting session due to nausea and discomfort from over-eating, I felt like I had eaten two pizzas.

But I guess I'll take it slowly and expand my stomach over time.

Thanks so much for responding and sharing your experience!
@jacksoncris Been lifting for 2+ years now. I was ravenous pretty much all the time when I first started lifting, but noticed my hunger level calming down after a few months or so. I still do occasionally get ravenous after a super heavy workout though!
@jacksoncris Whenever I get back into lifting I get so insanely hungry that I just run out of things to eat. Like there only so much time in the day and food in my fridge.

It’s amazing.
@gmabarts Not really. You’re breaking down and rebuilding muscle so you need to fuel that. I just get better at knowing what will keep me full for longer. I try to stay away from overly processed foods and make sure I hit my protein and fiber macros.

I do a mix of machinery and lifting, because over all it’s the same? I guess I should say resistance training? Anything that builds muscle
@jacksoncris Hey I am the same stats as you (down to where I store's the worst lmao)

I downloaded CarbonDietCoach and have been using that to track my macros. You do have to pay for it but it adjusts to you based on your check ins and input so I really REALLY like it over like MyFitnessPal

It is hard for me to eat enough protein for some reason and I have a major sweet tooth so I figured getting an ACTUAL CLEAR picture of how I was doing was helpful, and it is.

I am not suggesting getting obsessive or anything, or that you are even eating too much. But you may want to get a clear picture of your macro breakdown and see if you can adjust things. For instance, eating things that are more satiating(more fiber, more fat, less simple carbs etc) and making sure you are getting enough protein.

Good luck
@jacksoncris We're built the same!

I am a newbie here (been lifting since May). I do remember early on, I would get shaky after a workout. But it wasn't carbs I needed, it was protein. So I began drinking protein shakes post-workout.

Flash forward to months later and I do have days where I am totally craving carbs now, not protein. Or just days when I am insatiably hungry.

I am not counting calories or macros or anything like that, I just listen to what my body needs. A lot of times it's veggies, which is cool, except with the supply chain disruptions I can't always get the particular veggie I am craving.

I'm not restricting. There are days I eat all the pretzels and cookies. And many days I am not really all that hungry at all.

Still losing body fat and inches.
@jacksoncris What everyone else said. That’s a normal amount of food, get in extra protein to build muscle.

But also, if you are like ravenous, starving for food, consider whether you are getting enough sleep?

Sleep is critical for recovery from heavy exercise. If you’re not sleeping well your body tries to compensate by asking you for extra sugar and fat, ie, mega cravings for snacks.

I definitely needed to prioritise good sleep when I came back to sport.