intermediate to advanced workout program for hotel gyms


New member
I'm going to be on the road for the next month and then a month every quarter for the next four years.

I'm looking for a good program I can do at hotel gyms while I'm on the road.

I've been doing 5/3/1 BTM and BBB and 5/3/1 nSuns.

Most dumbbells go up to 40-50 and sometimes they have a smith or cable machines. I know I can superset and will have to focus on either longer concentric and eccentric movements/resistance or higher volume. I plan to incorporate 30 min HIIT cardio everyday as well. I have resistance bands with me and am familiar with calisthenic programs.

Looking for a program I can run for 4-8 weeks and one I can find on either Boostcamp or liftingvault.

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