Is 2-3 minutes between sets too long? I keep getting rude looks from guys at the gym..


New member
My programming says rest around 2 minutes between sets for isolation and 3-4 minutes between compound lift sets. I'm eating at a deficit right now and so those times work well for me since I find I can do lifts more effectively. I am also lifting heavy and aiming for preservation of muscle mass.

I've been going to the gym to lift consistently for the past 3 months during off-peak hours. But recently, the weights area seems to be always packed. Pretty sure it is because the semester is ending this week and people are trying to get some gains before spring break pt.2. Always, I try to get through my workouts as quickly as I can within the programming rest times above.

In my rest time, I usually look at my phone but I always set a timer. Idk what else to do for that time, blankly stare at the ceiling? But I notice that it really seems to tick some guys off specifically. They will pace impatiently behind me instead of waiting near the wall. Or they will stand really close behind me with their lifting buddies talking and making me feel "in the way".

It just makes me feel like they think I'm not of equal worth to deserve breaks over one minutes because I am not lifting as much as guys. That's just my take, but please tell me if a 3 minute rest between heavy squats is not a violation of gym etiquette.
@1stbrownhorse 2-3 minutes is totally appropriate, of course assuming you're not camping out on equipment.

My recommendation: try not to scroll or stare at your phone, particularly during those 2 minute rests. Can you really not go 120 seconds without being entertained by your phone? That may sound harsh, but I recently had to ask myself the exact same thing.

If I enter the gym and walk over to a squat rack with a guy sitting in it, scrolling on instagram - as much as I hate to say it, my instinct is to get huffy and assume he's camping out and hogging equipment. If it's somebody taking a minute to breathe, take a sip of water, I assume that they're using the equipment and taking a break.
@1stbrownhorse Take your time! Take up the space! Men can go mind their own business. You pay the same amount as men do to use that same space. I know it's easier said than done but ignore them let them be mad and judgy.
@1stbrownhorse Ignore them. Your muscles need to rest several minutes if you're aiming for peak performance for your lifts, which depending on how heavy you're lifting could be anywhere from 2-5 minutes. Screw them, they can wait their turn. Turn on some loud music on your headphones, put on your biggest bitch face and lift heavy.
@1stbrownhorse I do 3 minutes. I work on opposite body stretches (calfs during over head press, hip flexor on the bench, arms during squats, dynamic kicks, etc) and balance exercises. I prefer to keep busy and it doesn't give the impression that I'm just on my phone. Plus the stretches have really been helping!
@1stbrownhorse They don’t matter. I always am tracking my sets and weight lifted on an app so I’m always picking up and looking at my phone. I was self conscious at first, but as I’ve gained confidence with my lifting, I just ignore other people while working out.
@1stbrownhorse No, that’s definitely not your fault. You’ve every right to be there, just like those guys do. I strength train and do super sets with my workouts. I use the 6 days PPL program. My rest times are 2:00 and I use my phone to set it up also. I have never gotten any crazy looks from anyone in my gym. Those guys are just assholes. You do you and if they have a problem with it, they can wait just like everyone else. I wouldn’t rush my training for them.
@1stbrownhorse Howdy, OP. :) I rest up to 2 minutes in between sets for the "big 3" moves... especially if i'm progressively overloading for the week. Like, right now I'm getting back into the swing of things (4th week back at the gym), so I can get away with waiting a min between sets.

It'll be different when I'm back up to "punting speed" lol. I will have to wait 2 min, bare minimum. I'm also 42 so I kinda take it easy on my old bones.

This is all to say: 2-3 min is reasonable for compound lifts. I do tend to zone out on myself in the mirror (not that I'm vain--just thinking of shite to do for the day) during these moves (well, squats and deadlifts). I also go at the butt crack of dawn basically because it can take me up to 30 min to property do my squats for the day (I run nSuns 5/3/1 program) and I'd rather be there when it's dead 'cause my gym only has one squat rack and one power rack. Thankfully 3 benches (I belong to a globo-gym).

Let the dudes pace. They'll get over it. I've had one kid literally hop from foot to foot a few feet away from the squat rack when I was using it. I let him work in, which was dumb on my part 'cause he was easily 5" taller than me and moving heavier weights. AND, he didn't even help me unrack my plates lol. Soooo, yeah. They can simmer for a moment. ;)

I hope that wasn't too long winded lol.
@1stbrownhorse Regardless of the time you’re taking (which seems very reasonable to me), you’re totally allowed to tell people to back up and not get in your space. I’ve done this to people goofing off right in front of or behind me because it screws with my focus. You can totally phrase it in a “hey it looks like you’re waiting but I have X more sets with X rest left, can you give me some space while you finish” if you’re afraid of sounding rude but honestly don’t be, guys like that are very aware that they’re being jerks
@1stbrownhorse Is there more than one bench/platform/squat rack? If so, are they treating other people on the equipment the same way? I'm very much guessing there's some misogyny going on here.

I used to feel really self-conscious about lifting because I didn't want people (guys) at the gym to think I was taking up "undeserved" space. But guess what. I did deserve to be there regardless of how much I was lifting. If they don't want to wait, they can get there sooner.
@1stbrownhorse " They will pace impatiently behind me instead of waiting near the wall. Or they will stand really close behind me with their lifting buddies talking and making me feel "in the way".

Take. Up. Space. You have just as much a right to be there as they do. 3-4 mins between compound lifts is completely normal and acceptable. Set your timer, look at your phone, pick your nose, whatever. The point is that as long as you're not hogging equipment or being completely oblivious of your rest times (i.e. using 2 squat racks, or supersetting 3 machines during a busy time, watching tiktoks for 15 minutes...etc.) then you are a-ok. Do not let other people's impatience impact your time at the gym.

If I'm hitting compound lifts, you're damn sure that I am taking a 2-3 minute rest in between.
@1stbrownhorse 3 minutes is the bare minimum rest time I have between squat sets hahaha. Those dudes can wait. If you feel generous, offer to let them work in, but otherwise they can huff and puff and go kick rocks and wait their turn.
@1stbrownhorse If they’re pacing and hovering, it’s because they’re simply impatient and want their turn quickly. Do not project that insecurity of “they think I’m not of equal worth because I don’t lift as heavy as them”
If they thought that, it may have been said. Don’t perpetuate that idea in your own mind! We need to be firm in our belief that we deserve to take up space.