Is 3 hours in the gym too much?

@asdtmr12 When I was focusing only on bodybuilding, usually went 4-5 times a week to the gym and the average time was 1,5 hour with 1 compound and 4-5 isolation exercises(~4 sets each). Now that I switched to powerlifting it went up to 2-2,5 hours and its because I need to rest more between the compound sets. Not talking about 15-20mins rests, only 6-8mins but still, if the program says 5 working sets for each compound lift(usually 2/wday) it adds up to 1,5hour easily. Then comes the accessories.

So if you do mostly isolation work and your workouts are hypertrophy based, then I'd say 3 hours is too much. You can take 1-2 mins resting between sets for smaller muscles and 3-4 for larger muscles.
@asdtmr12 It's way too much... I take around 1 to 1.5 hrs to finish and I do 7/8 exercises in that session by keeping rest times within 2 mins for heavier work and 1 min for lighter work
@asdtmr12 Yep. it's counterproductive, especially as a natty.

I tend to do 5/6 different exercises a session 4 to 5 sets each. Usually an hour for me, 1hr30 max. 2hrs if i end up chatting to people.
@asdtmr12 You should only be taking longer rests in between sets of compound exercises if your goal is to put on size or get stronger. Longer rest periods are not as necessary for isolation exercises. I have been doing a PPL split and taking 4 minute rests between sets of compound exercises like bench and squats, because I want to improve my strength on these lifts. I take a 1 min 30 sec rest between isolation exercises. It usually take me between 1.5 to 2 hours to complete each workout. I wouldn't recommend the Arnold split, because that is pretty much formulated by and for someone who is using PEDs.
@asdtmr12 I wouldn’t say that’s too much. I do PPLUL. On my Upper day I take 2.5-3 hours with like 2-3 mins rest, 2-3 exercises per body part.

Every other day is around 1.5 hours.
@asdtmr12 Nope. We’ll Unless your natural.

You’re either over training or taking way too long of rest. I never go over 2 hours. Average 60-90 friending on the day
@asdtmr12 you're definitely resting too much between sets.
use a chronometer or something else to check how much time you're resting.
you're aiming for 90 seconds for heavy compound lifts and 45-60 seconds for isolation.
don't be a lazy ass
@asdtmr12 Yes, it's to much unless you fuck around with buddies for 1,5 hours and exercise in the remaining hours then it's debatable. What's your program?