Is 3 hours in the gym too much?

@asdtmr12 You taking fucking EPO to last your workout whilst doing the arnold split which is clearly a bodybuilding split which means going to failure in the rep ranges... if your lasting 3 hours. You ain't training hard enough bro... what's your stats
@asdtmr12 First off, yes, 3 hours is too much. It’s fine for a workout or two, but it’s pretty much guaranteed that you won’t be able to keep up that volume of training consistently long-term and a lot of it could turn into junk volume

Second, I would highly recommend standardizing your rest periods to be the same between each set week-to-week. That way you’re able to account for progressions in strength. If you take different amounts of rest between sets each workout, there’s no way to know if your strength is actually improving or if you just happened to take more rest than last time and you can waste a lot of time not progressing without realizing it

Typically depending on the set, you’d want to take between 30 seconds to 5 minutes rest in between. I’d say if you’re waiting more than 5 minutes between sets (and I would only recommend this large of a rest period for heavy compound lifts like squats or deadlifts) you’re wasting time and probably not getting the most out of your training
@asdtmr12 No one needs to spend that long in the gym.

Long rest periods are good, you're likely doing too much volume if it's taking that long.

I do 3-5 minute rest periods with warmups for everything and I'm out in 60-80 minutes usually.
@asdtmr12 okey and what about leg day. I start with 20 minutes warm up then go to squat with empty bar than continue to reach my top sets. So with warm up its 1.15h. than continue with RDLs, bulgarians, hip thrusts, calfs and im on 2.15 h.
@asdtmr12 No. It’s not too much. People on this thread are just not athletes. When I get to the gym I need to run for an hour, because I’m an athlete, and not a vain little man who only cares about looking good. THEN I start my lift. That’s 27 sets (9 different exercises). All in all that’s about 500 reps with the weight pyramiding up. THEN I need 20-30 minutes in the sauna for my heat training. This is all to be done if you want to be an actual athlete and not just a jagoff.

Don’t listen to anyone. 99 % of people aren’t dope. I want to be dope. I can run for 34 hours straight. Don’t tell this guy not to be great.

But you better be doing your running. Jag.