is fast metabolism really a myth?


New member
I realize a lot of people who claim they have a fast metabolism are really just not eating enough but is there really no such thing as a fast metabolism? I feel like some of us get away with eating more while not getting noticibly fat.
@rumiakthar You have to understand the difference between BMR and TDEE.

BMR (basal metabolic rate) is the amount of calories your body would require to function if you were in a coma. The variability of BMR between people varies somewhat, but not much.

TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is the total number of calories you burn in a day both at rest and through activity. This can vary WILDLY between people for a huge variety of reasons. Usually when people refer to a “fast” or “slow” metabolism, they’re actually talking about TDEE.
@rumiakthar No you don’t. Go on a TDEE calculator website and type in the stats it asks for (usually height, weight, age, and activity level). That will give you a ballpark estimate of TDEE.

Based on that number, adjust your calories according to your goals. Weight yourself regularly in the morning before eating and track the weekly average of that number. If it isn’t moving in the direction you want at the rate you want, adjust calories accordingly.
@rumiakthar Because there is a prevailing narrative even among a lot of fitness professionals that "(kilo)calories don't matter" as if the laws of thermodynamics don't exist

Yes it's vastly more complicated than that and there are huge social, behavioural and endocrinological variances between people and there are so many different feedback loops and ways to fail that 90+% of people don't long term succeed...

But 4,184 joules is 4,184 joules, and no amount of activists saying "some people still get fat eating less than their TDEE" makes it true.

If you eat less calories than you burn, long term, you lose weight. If this is not true, then entropy is not true.

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