Is there something I can improve?


New member
Hi, Been training for a while now (gym) and finally got in the mood again 💪. (after a while not doing so)

This is what I do:

Routine A

-Pull ups 3x8 (barely complete the last set, sawusually 7)
-Deeps 3x8

-Shoulder press 3x10
-Shoulder lateral raises 3x10

-Bicep curl 3x10
-Tricep extension 3x10

-Planks 3x1 min

Routine B

-Squats 3x8 (been counting 3 seconds at the bottom, then I go up).

-Leg press 3x10
-Calf raises 3x12

-There's a machine I use, don't know the name, but works glutes and all muscles below them (similar to a leg press but horizontal) 3x10

-Back press 3x10 (don't know the name of this machine, you stand up, the you take the upper part of your body down, then you need to return to the original position with the muscles of the lower part of your back. Weight is added with a disc or a dumbell only)

All weights are controlled I usually do not increase, always trying to have a workout quality instead quantity. Warm up 10 mins running

I usually do routines this way, 3 times a week, 1 hour.


This has worked pretty good I can say, feel stronger, bigger and fit.

41 years old
Usually play basketball and ultimate frisbee competitively.

Looking few things:
Power, I play sports that need power. My knees don't kill me the same way they did, when I was not working out and stretching out.

To be faster while moving to the sides with quick reaction.

Looking workouts that cover lot of muscles, don't have to much time to do many. (1 hour. Gotta work)

Is there something I could adjust, add, improve, remove, do better here?

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