Can anyone recommend a decent bro-split template?

@zobers I’m not going to try to sway you one way or another but the “I messed up my shoulder benching” is way more common than any other injury
@zobers I assume you’re cool with deadlift variants? DB and barbell RDL’s and SLDL? Less injury risk, better hammie stimulus, and one you really can’t get as effectively with any other movement. I don’t really bother with deadlifts from the floor anymore, but I hit RDL’s in every training cycle, including going pretty heavy, but with higher reps and slow eccentric (and haven’t had any issues).

Also, I don’t think anyone is going to ring the bell of “optimal.” Seems like this sub generally recognizes that the best routine is the one you like and will stick with.
@dawn16 Yes absolutely fine with deadlift variants, and even squat variants

I have included RDLs in almost every routine I’ve done and never been bothered by them
@zobers It’s actually best to mix it up a bit because if you keep doing the same exact thing everyday every week you’re body and mind will get used to it and adapt to make it easier. You need to switch it up a bit to really shock those muscles. Example: let’s say you always start with free weights and then go to machines afterwards, which is ideal IMO, but switch that up for a week or two. Another example would be if you’re doing a chest/back day then arms/ shoulder day and legs/core, which is what I usually do, you can change that to push and pull days for a week or two.
My main plan I’ve learned from fitness class in school:
Monday: arms and shoulders, sometimes calves too
Tuesday: distance cardio
Wednesday: Legs and core
Thursday: sprints cardio
Friday: Chest and back, sometimes calves too.
If you want to do cardio on weightlifting days you have to do it after weightlifting because cardio will waste all of your energy if you do it before weights. You can do calves, abs and shoulders multiple times a week because they’re smaller muscle groups and recover a lot faster. The reason I do chest and back on Friday and rest on the weekend is so that my arms have a couple days to rest before do serious arm and shoulder workouts. I believe it’s good to start with free weights before machines because they’re a lot more concentrated and harder to do as opposed to machines, but like I said you can always mix it up. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions. I don’t know everything myself but I have some knowledge. Started tackle football at the age of 10. Started weightlifting class in school at the age of 12.
@zobers I do:
Chest bi- M

Hamstrings / secondary back - Tues

Rest - Wed

Th- Shoulder tri

F - Quads + calves

Sat- Back abs maybe bi if i feel like it lol

Sun: rest