Is this a good work routine for my unique circumstances?


New member
TL;DR at the bottom

Basically, I workout at home and at the gym, I can't always make it to the gym so I randomly go when I have the time and on days that I don't, I just workout at home. However, this leads me to have not a clear schedule. So I made a PPL routine that has at home and at gym equivalents of the same workout routine so I target the same muscles everyday whether I workout at my home or at the gym.

I'm pretty sure this sub doesn't love AI making workout routines but I will say that I would consider myself somewhat knowledgeable in exercise selection and have heavily modified what the AI has given me.

Don't ban me, give me a chance. I didn't just tell the AI to "MaKe A wOrKoUt RoUtInE".

I specified my goals, which are pure hypertrophy training and bulking. I added and removed lots of exercises and adjusted volume to make sure I was getting good stimulus in terms of both sets per workout and sets per week for each body part. I just want someone more knowledgeable than me to confirm my exercise selection and tell me if there is anything wrong with my training/anything I should adjust.

TL;DR: I workout randomly between working out at home and working out at the gym. I told AI to make a PPL routine where it has an at home and at gym equivalent of each day so I always target the same muscles. Ik this sub doesn't like AI, but I consider myself decently knowledgeable in exercise selection and have heavily modified the program based on my goals.

I now just want someone more knowledgeable than me to point out if it has anything missing/any volume/recovery issue.
@djtom111 Can you guarantee at least 3 days a week of training? The idea that you have an unpredictable schedule and you still went for a PPL split suggests you don’t know as much as you think.

A full body A/B split is my usual go-to for an unpredictable schedule. You won’t necessarily get all you main compound movements done if you miss sessions, but you will always get at minimum 1 session of work for every muscle group per week.

I think you should have a look through something like lift vault or Boostcamp for some full body routines and see if any of them fit your needs.
@leoriofarel I'm inconsistent in going to the gym, not inconsistent in working out.

I workout consistently, just that I do whatever I want without a clear routine. Which is what this will fix.

I think I can handle a ppl as it's summer break, there's no school, and I'm at home pretty much all day. Even if I can't, it's good to challenge and test your limits so I'm still leaning on doing this program. Thanks your the concerns, sry if I didn't mention this clearly.

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