Is this guy legit or is this just misinformation? Afraid I'm not training properly

@erniedavid you think all the fitness subs and resources are wrong and a rando on yt that strings sentences together that make no sense has some secret sauce? in that case I have a nigerian prince that needs a transfer...

He created a Strawman. The Strawman in this case, is "the only muscle growth is from the proliferation of nuclei". Which isn't true.

If you look at the study he cites (6 weeks/high volume), what is shown is that both myofibrillar AND sarcoplasmic hypertrophy occur. The PERCENTAGE of contractile tissue goes down, because of the increase in sarcoplasm. BUT, the OVERALL amount of Contractile tissue goes up.

By the way, I wonder why the people got Myofibrillar and Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy?

Could it be....they did TEN sets per exercise, 3x week, and went up to THIRTY TWO sets per exercise 3x week?

Squat, Bench OR Overhead Press, St. Leg Dead, and Lat Pulldown.

I wonder if he really doesn't get it, or is simply trying to fool people.
@erniedavid Does that fake muscle move real weight? Does it make you look bigger/better? Use progressive overload and make sure your training and recovery are balanced. Gains are gains. There are different methods of stimulating muscle growth. Try a few programs. Use the one that suits you best.