
New member
I am able to perform this all but kind of struggle with the push day, i simply get to the tricep ss and have to take a break so that i can finish. I just want to know if I should continue or switch to something else, pehaps revise this. I just started working out kinda, I've been at the gym for about a month so far and tried to take other additional excersises from other people who did the reddit ppl.

Monday - Pull
1. Deadlifts 1x5+
2. Pulldowns 3x8-12
3. Pull-ups 3x8-12
4. Seated Cable Rows 3x8-12
5. Face Pulls 5x15-20
6. Hammer Curls 4x8-12
7. Reverse Curls 4x8-12
8. Dumbbell Shrugs 4x8-12
9. Dumbbell Curls 4x8-12
10. Reverse Wrist Curls 4x8-12
11. Finger Curls 4x8-12

Tuesday - Push
1. Bench Press 4x5, 1x5+
2. Overhead Press 3x8-12
3. Incline Dumbbell Press 3x8-12
4. Tricep Dips 3x8-12
5. Chest Flies 3x8-12
6. Tricep Pushdowns 3x8-12 SS Lateral Raises 3x15-20
7. Overhead Tricep Extensions 3x8-12 SS Lateral Raises 3x15-20

Wednesday - Legs + Core
1. Squats 2x5, 1x5+
2. Romanian Deadlift 3x8-12
3. Bulgarian Split Squats 3x8-12
4. Leg Press 3x8-12
5. Leg Curls 3x8-12
6. Calf Raises 5x8-12

Thursday - Pull
1. Barbell Rows 4x5, 1x5+
2. Pulldowns 3x8-12
3. Pull-ups 3x8-12
4. Dumbbell Rows 3x8-12
5. Face Pulls 5x15-20
6. Hammer Curls 4x8-12
7. Reverse Curls 4x8-12
8. Barbell Shrugs 4x8-12
9. Dumbbell Curls 4x8-12
10. Reverse Wrist Curls 4x8-12
11. Finger Curls 4x8-12

Friday - Push
1. Overhead Press 4x5, 1x5+
2. Bench Press 3x8-12
3. Incline Dumbbell Press 3x8-12
4. Tricep Dips 3x8-12
5. Chest Flies 3x8-12
6. Tricep Pushdowns 3x8-12 SS Lateral Raises 3x15-20
7. Overhead Tricep Extensions 3x8-12 SS Lateral Raises 3x15-20

Saturday - Legs
1. Squat 2x5, 1x5+
2. Romanian Deadlift 3x8-12
3. Bulgarian Split Squats
4. Leg Press 3x8-12
5. Leg Curls 3x8-12
6. Calf Raises 5x8-12

Sunday - Rest
@warmek Honestly a very nice routine. Struggling nearing the end of your workout is normal. I definitely start heavy in the beginning and as i use up my energy i start to lower the weight and just do full rom on the ones im starting to struggle with. I do add reps though depending on how much i drop. I think a good workout is a balance of just throwing weight around and doing full rom when youre obviously nearing the end of your pump and getting tired