West Coast Classic Live Semi Final Day Three Discussion Thread

@little_sparrow This was wild to see in person. Not sure if it showed online but he tried it several times and never really got it racked. The one he stood up wasn’t any better. I actually said “don’t do it!” out loud when he started to stand up with it.

That being said, the core and leg strength required to standup 295 from that position is truly wild.
@jonjones229 What a finish by Sager and Panchik! Holy smokes thar was exciting. Noah comes out to fast in my opinion and Fraser talked about that yesterday. Gotta fix that pacing going into Madison.

Side note: someone get Cedric a clothing deal with a company lol! Love those homemade shirts though.
@little_sparrow Not saying it’s bad thing if you know how to work it. For Noah at Games level it hasn’t really worked for him. Ex. the run, sled push, run event last year. And I believe the bike and rope climb event as well he came out hot.
@zongruger eh, I wouldn't really say the run/sled/run is about pacing or anything - that's a quick event, it's really about capacity, and at the end of the day his top end capacity just isn't as good as I'm guessing Kwant and Fraser who were just basically able to hang on just for a bit longer than he was.

there's the narrative that Noah goes out hot and burns, and then there's the reality of it. maybe the going hot and trying to minimize deceleration gets like a 50/50 win percentage? I don't really know. when it fails it does look like a spectacular fail, and it's things like that stick in ppl's minds that then feeds the narrative as a whole.

not denying there are times that it doesn't work, but I mean besides Fraser I think he really stands out overall in terms of consistency @ the Games level; maybe him and BKG are close, in terms of sustained excellence. 4th/6th/2nd/4th in the past 4 years - can't think of anyone except Fraser who comes close to that kind of output overall.
@dom77 Word, Brandon used to have them too... (Maybe still does?)
I'm not a big Speegle fan since that little video that shows how she behaves towards her partner during the heavy front squats for 3 reps. She strikes me as a difficult person.

Cole is an awesome guy, he really puts a great vibe on the floor.