ISO: Tips to deal w/ hunger


New member
I've been struggling with keeping my diet clean mostly due to being hungry after a meal. I tend to follow recipes here and other vegan fitness sites.

My issue is that I tend to resort to garbage snacks when I get hungry between meals as my office is full of them.

I try to avoid them by bringing in my own snacks, carrot sticks, hummus, yogurt, chia pudding, etc. But I still end up craving those damn msg ladden snacks.

Advice? Tips? I don't know if I am doing something wrong with my diet or if this is a psychological thing.
@nb720 If MSG is "addicting" then it is just because saltiness is addicting. Nothing special about MSG.

The reason "healthy" snacks don't include it is because of the false narratives perpetuated about it in the US. Not because they have any real reason to exclude it.
@nb720 I don’t think that’s the case at all. If you’re eating them without oil or butter they are an extremely easy way to get shredded, I eat 3-4 a day. Oatmeal is the food that makes me feel hungry after though so I know what you mean. Try eating one with each meal, sweet, red, gold, purple, russet, lots of varieties
@nb720 Try eating more insoluble fiber like in big leafy greens or a bran heavy snack, followed by water. If that doesn't work, I give myself the benefit of the doubt that maybe my macros were off and I need to top things off, so I have a few tbsps of lightly salted peanuts.
@nb720 Are you eating enough, period? If you’re just trying to have a healthier diet overall, you may just be eating too little. In the past, I’ve struggled with getting too few calories, too little fat, and too little protein. A few Oreos are honestly equivalent to a medium sized meal.
ough, period? If you’re just trying to have a healthier diet overall, you may just be eating too little. In the past, I’ve struggled with getting too few calories, too little fat, and too little protein. A few Oreos are honestly equivalent to a medium sized meal.

I have a hard time figuring this out. I have kids so being able to work out consistently is hard. trying to match the right caloric load with my activity can be a challenge. In any case, I can try to eat more of my intended meals.
@nb720 Could you ask your coworkers to hold you accountable? Tell them to make fun of you if they see you eating those or something. Or ask your boss not to let you have them.

Also, diet soda or tea.