Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

@carlvo Nothing yet. I met with the manager on Wednesday afternoon before my work out (I was on PTO so I was able to workout during the day!). I plan on going tonight after the kids go to bed. Will update after a few more evening workouts with the two guys present
@carlvo Good. They haven’t been to the gym since I talked with the managers. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the only one who was concerned and complained to the managers.
@austinjoel2001 Just say something to them like hey can you give me some more room please? If you can't do that, invite me to come work out with you and I'll straighten these guys out.....with my words.

@chaosgeeks do you really think that these two dudes are going to beat up a woman who's trying to get in shape with a bunch of others around, probably several that are bigger than them ?. I doubt that will happen.
@dawn16 I never said anything about being intimidating. You don't need to be mean to them, you just need to voice your concern of their erratic behaviour and ask them if they can acknowledge your existence in the workout area.
@tealady3 I personally don’t think being intimidating is the same as being mean. People tell me all the time I’m intimidating I think it’s exactly because I am a woman who doesn’t hesitate to use her voice.
@austinjoel2001 Yeah tell management or say something to the dumb kids straight out. Like "dude gtfo of my way. What is your problem"

Or try coming at a different time. If you talk to management, mention you're being sexually harassed. They'll take it seriously then. These same aged kids are at my gyms, pushing each other, standing around machines talking, or sitting on machines texting. They also walk right into me. No excuse me, or sorry. I go to get on a machine and they'll run over and tell me they were using it. But I say "oh, I thought you were working out your thumbs and gums" I can get 5 things done, 3+ sets and their ass will still be on the machine. And yell "DUDE BRO F*CK DUDE BRO" all day. Like I'm not enjoying the gym anymore.

But yeah, standing behind you and in front of you like that in a whole ass room is a huge no
@creech Sorry, but a woman confronting two aggressive young guys equals woman in danger. OP, please don’t confront inadequate people without support from other people, preferably men.
@austinjoel2001 Notify management, and having worked in marketing, leave a public review on Yelp\Google. You don't need to have any information on Yelp or Google that ties to your identity. Management cares about this much more than complaints.