Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

@austinjoel2001 Absolutely talk to management. Years ago I was deadlifting and in the mirror saw a guy behind me perching on a bench taking photos of my arse. It was mega creepy. I confronted him and told management and they reviewed the security footage and were great.

These fools sound like proper numpties and I bet there's a bunch of people that don't go to that gym or avoid workouts due to them as it's pretty intimidating behaviour.
@austinjoel2001 I’d document the incident. I’d also keep my video camera ready to record is someone tries to get near me if I’m in a lgbt friendly town/city.
I’ve had this happen way more than once like atleast 8 times in the past 10 years as I’ve moved cities and stuff.

They feel some sort of anger and insecurity toward you. It’s unavoidable especially if you’re in shape and self motivated. I’m a 44 yr old woman and back then my hair was also shaved like short short and now it’s much longer but I had a dude threaten to kill me once when I was walking to the gym.. a woman stopped to talk to me and when he heard I sound more female like my voice.. and other people came to join the conversation he went the other way and probably felt stupid for doing so.
Life is seriously hard enough but there’s these crazy guys that make it impossible for me to want to have conversation with any guy just for my safety because one wrong move can mean I could die .. anyway that’s how I think of it now
@austinjoel2001 Never ignore that feeling. If it feels off, it is off. You mentioned that they don’t do it when other men are around—as another person mentioned, that’s your answer. Do not confront them on your own and take it to management.
@austinjoel2001 Definitely talk to management. It's not ok to use multiple areas at once. They need to double up and move on. If they want to barrel around like Beavis and Butthead on meth, they need a home gym.
Gym manager should be able to set some guidelines for them.
You're not allowed to scare the shit out of others during your workout.
@austinjoel2001 If they don’t do anything after you plan on speaking with them, write a Google review and management will see it and investigate. Honestly, get friends to use their accounts and write reviews too. Spread them out over a couple days or weeks to make management pay more attention. Write that this behaviour is enough to make you look elsewhere for a different gym.

Edited because these are my next steps, I’m not telling OP to leave shitty reviews if they haven’t spoken with mgmt first lol
@firewolf1960 Oh my god no, this advice is needless escalation for two bad gymgoers out of their many clients. Adults should not go straight to leaving nasty google reviews without having a conversation with the business first. If they do nothing, then sure, leave the review.

It's stupid to leave a negative review on a business when you don't even give them a chance to resolve the issue you have with another client.
@chandrika The OP said they plan to call management, I’m not going to tell them to take the same steps they just said they’d take. This is for next steps.

You can delete the reviews when action has been taken, otherwise leave them up for others to know what they’re getting into.
You could even take a video and use a throwaway google account to post the ridiculous behaviour on their reviews, then take it down when it’s been addressed
@austinjoel2001 Dude why not speak with whoever works there? I'm surprised the other members haven't done so themselves since they don't feel comfortable themselves. All of you should say something so it's clear that those two guys are in fact creating problems.
@posa Because it’s only happened a handful of times of the last few weeks but it’s increasing. I’m usually the only one left at the gym when they are there. And it’s not staffed. There isn’t a front desk. It’s a 24/7 gym. I wanted to give these kids the benefit of doubt before causing any issues. I don’t know the owner or manager on a personal or customer level and was unsure if this situation is something that could be remedied on my own or further escalate (on the boys’ end) the situation. I worry about sticking my my neck and saying something and the manager says something to them and then they increase their behaviors. I will quit the gym if I have to but it will negatively affect my health and mental well being. But so will staying if these two don’t check themselves.
@austinjoel2001 It seems weird to me that there wouldn’t be any staff at all, surely there are security people or something, else what’s stopping someone from rocking up with a pickup truck and stealing all the dumbbells (I’m exaggerating but you get the idea). At least in my area if someone left a 24 hour building open but completely unattended all night then at the very least random people would decide to crash there for the night
@eliasbanda It’s a 24/7 fitness facility. The door is locked. You need an electronic key to get in. Which we all have and it tracks which person is in and out. I’m not sure if you are in the USA or another country but 24/7 unstaffed gyms exist in quite a few different areas (for example Snap Fitness). I suppose someone could steal all the dumbbells but they’d be on multiple cameras and your information is attached to the key fob you use to get in. There aren’t security at these 24/7 gyms. It keeps the cost down because they don’t need to staff them. They’re staffed for a few random hours during the day through week days.